Home NonFiction - Year III - Number 11 - January 2018

NonFiction - Year III - Number 11 - January 2018

    HUMBOLDT By Thomas Larsen

    HUMBOLDTBy Tom Larsen “Get the gate for me will ya, pardner?”He’s been calling everyone “pardner” for a week now in clear violation of the code. I work the twisted length of wire.“Other way,” he tells...

    DOGS, HOGS, AND SIGNS by Bill Vernon

    DOGS, HOGS, AND SIGNSBy Bill Vernon The motorcyclist turning onto Bakers Road ahead of us had the 1960s Hell's Angels' look, but that impression didn't occur to me then anymore than did the fact I'd...

    THE LOSS OF HER By Kimberly McElreath

    THE LOSS OF HERBy Kimberly McElreath That Wednesday started with a pink pig pancake pajama party.  In Kindergarten, getting a new weekly letter means a lot.  It’s another step toward being a member in the...

    STRANGERS By Jeff Bakkensen

    STRANGERSBy Jeff Bakkensen No one ever came to the motel without being seen a long way off. From one side was all flat with nothing growing more than thigh high, from the other more of...

    HURRICANE MOON By Tony Whedon

    HURRICANE MOONBy Tony Whedon The town where we had rented our cottage that summer when I was thireen, called Port Clyde, sat at the end of a long peninsula that jutted into the Atlantic. It...

    LOOKS OF HAPPINESS By Frannie Gilbertson

    LOOKS OF HAPPINESSBy Frannie Gilbertson Do you ever look at someone and think, “Wow, I am so lucky that I have you”? You catch yourself staring at them, watching the way their lips form into...

    CAPTURE HILL No. 49 By Allen Long

         CAPTURE HILL #49By Allen Long    My brother Danny and I grew up in Arlington, Virginia, in the Sixties and Seventies.  Although this was a period of significant social turmoil because of the civil rights movement,...

    I HAVE COME HOME By Antonio Wong

    I HAVE COME HOMEBy Antonio Wong “It is time to wake up. Today is the biggest day and you do not want to miss it,” my grandfather said. As I slowly move away from my...

    HALF OF SOMETHING By John Ballantine Jr.

    HALF OF SOMETHINGBy John Ballantine The glass is half full, even though it is emptying fast. Life seeps out of the body as we wake to another day with the sun rising.The water station, with...


    ANXIETY, TIME, AND BEING PRESENT IN THE MOMENTBy Wally Swist Time presses upon us in innumerable ways.  Proust wrote, “When a man is asleep, he has in a circle round him the chain of the...