Home Fiction - Year V - Number 43 - December 2020

Fiction - Year V - Number 43 - December 2020

    DEVOTION by Amanda E.K.

    “A mirror scratched reflects no image— And this is the silence of wisdom.” - Ernest Hyde (Spoon River Anthology) The vanity arrived on Tuesday at ten, addressed to Vianna Trellis. She left it inside the entrance while...

    STORIES FROM PAPA by Brian Feller

                I sat in a chair outside the office while Mama went inside and spoke to the rabbi. I’d been sitting there since Hebrew school let out—which I attended on Tuesdays and Sundays—and when...

    SO SORRY I MISSED YOUR CALL by Stephen Moore

    Present             “Hello, Diane, it’s Mom. Just wanted to say hello. It’s been a long time, sweetie. You’ve been on my mind lately. I was re-living the time we were playing in the creek by...

    SIREN SONG by Elizabeth Gauffreau

    Siren Song             Galen did not think to check the gas gauge when he made his final exit from the parking lot of the Bay View Apartments. He left Ocean View with nothing but the...

    THE COST OF THE WATCH by Davis Wetherell

    “Whatever one man does, it is as if all men did it. For that reason, it is not unfair that one disobedience in a garden should contaminate all humanity; for that reason it is...

    MOTHER AND DAUGHTER by Ellis Shuman

    There was no need for words. Lyuba urged her daughter forward, indicating with a nod which way the young girl should go. Which person to approach. Not the elderly man smoking a thin cigarette...

    ACTING OUT by Brian Quinn

    I play this game, every time I rinse out a soup bowl, or a cereal bowl. Leave the spoon inthe bowl, swirl it, slosh it, tip it. I can’t quit until the scalloped end...

    PALIMONY by Alan Swyer

    “What are you up to today?” asked Sally Leeds when she reached Larry Karlin early on a Monday morning. “I'm torn between going to Paris, spending the day in bed, or maybe getting some work...

    IF ONLY by Jacqueline March

    If Only The only way that Faye could deal with losing her baby boy was to imagine that some sweet barren couple had taken him out of desperation. Absentmindedly she rubbed the scars on her...

    ZIGARETTENSTUMMEL by Aren Bergstrom

    Oskar liked the smell of tobacco on his hands. It reminded him of his grandfather, how he used to take a tuft of chewing tobacco, wedge it between his lower lip and teeth, and...