Fiction - Year V - Number 43 - December 2020

    ALICE IN MONTAUK by Gosia Nealon

    Alice in Montauk 1938, Montauk, New York The Island Club on Lake Montauk had filled up with people dining, dancing, or gambling. The air was rich with the scents of seafood and cigarette smoke, while a...

    BRICK SNOW by Melissa Chen

    It sounded like a backhoe smashed through the toy room window and methodically tipped out millions of marble chips in a steady stream onto the hardwood floor. “Daddy, come quick,” Liam shouted. “Oliver spilled all...

    KATHLEEN AND DENISE by Dean Jollay

                At Kathleen’s breakfast table, Denise sips her Chardonnay and describes her latest unsuccessful job search. Downsized ten months ago, Denise, a crime reporter, despairs of finding another position in journalism. Her newspaper is...

    THE HILLS HAVE… by R.W. Watkins

    The applause proved neither hesitant nor restrained in the wake of Mr. Potter’s announcement: First Prize in the 1982 Northeastern school-district photo contest was going to none other than twelve-year-old Rodric Floyd of Valleyport...

    LOST by Michael Emeka

    Night had fallen by the time I returned from hawking banana for Mummy. I stood the large steel tray against the wall and handed her the cash I’d made. Looking stern, she collected it,...