Home Fiction - Year V - Number 43 - December 2020

Fiction - Year V - Number 43 - December 2020

    THE HILLS HAVE… by R.W. Watkins

    The applause proved neither hesitant nor restrained in the wake of Mr. Potter’s announcement: First Prize in the 1982 Northeastern school-district photo contest was going to none other than twelve-year-old Rodric Floyd of Valleyport...

    IF ONLY by Jacqueline March

    If Only The only way that Faye could deal with losing her baby boy was to imagine that some sweet barren couple had taken him out of desperation. Absentmindedly she rubbed the scars on her...

    COLD COFFEE by Madison Foreman

                The coffee cup sitting in front of him had grown cold.             His crooked mouth twitched into a grin. “How are you, Miss Sylvia?”             “Shut up,” she snapped as she approached the table. “We’re...

    THE BARBARIANS by Michael Tyler

    At midnight I approach the club with a somewhat vague desire to do harm to every second person in line, fortunately the bouncer waves me past all the young men with tattoos that reek...

    PALIMONY by Alan Swyer

    “What are you up to today?” asked Sally Leeds when she reached Larry Karlin early on a Monday morning. “I'm torn between going to Paris, spending the day in bed, or maybe getting some work...

    STANDING FOR LAUREN by Aymon Langlois

    Like Kurt Vonnegut, “I let the dog out, or I let h in, and we talk some. I let h know I like h, and he me know he likes me.” And then this was...

    TO JUMP by Darren Deth

                Matt wondered what sound Abby made when she hit the rocks below. How had she chosen the spot where she would go over the railing into the air for the last few seconds...

    THE RIVER by Jared Carlson

    I looked at the small stack of old books lying on the counter and called out to my wife, “Is this them?” “Yes, a couple are so old and worn that I don’t think you...

    ZIGARETTENSTUMMEL by Aren Bergstrom

    Oskar liked the smell of tobacco on his hands. It reminded him of his grandfather, how he used to take a tuft of chewing tobacco, wedge it between his lower lip and teeth, and...

    SIREN SONG by Elizabeth Gauffreau

    Siren Song             Galen did not think to check the gas gauge when he made his final exit from the parking lot of the Bay View Apartments. He left Ocean View with nothing but the...