Home Fiction - Year VI - Number 48 - May 2021

Fiction - Year VI - Number 48 - May 2021

    BLACK HOLES by Jaclyn Reed

    Black Holes             Jessica sat on the small kitchen table with her feet on the head chair and stared out the window, a cigarette pinched between her thumb and middle finger. Bits of ash fell...

    ATOM AND VOID by Riley Winchester

    Atom and Void The lobby at the ReAt Agency was pale and insipid. The walls were made of white bricks that were cold to the touch when I dragged my fingers along the lines of...

    DAMAGED GOODS by Steve Slavin

    Damaged Goods 1 Rather late one weekday evening, I saw a very attractive woman struggling to pull a huge suitcase up the subway station stairs. “May I help you?” She gave me the onceover, and after concluding that...


    Standing on the Wrong Side by Hayden Sidun I’m going to kill myself. That’s the decision I made as my feet hit the frigid hardwood floor after a long night of staring at a dark ceiling,...

    BRINGERS by Brianna Kemper

    Bringers By: Brianna Kemper The doctor and nurses were rushing around. The beeping starts to speed up as the mother struggles to stay alive. A few moments later the beeping stopped, and a long beep took...

    THE MEMORY KEEPER by Destinee Jones

    Benio sank deeper and deeper into Mr. Walters’s consciousness. The elevator in Mr. Walters’s mind sped past his recent memories, then slowed down for the ones still rooted deep in his psyche. His retirement party, from a decade ago, marked his...

    WEDDING DANCE by Stephen Day

    WEDDING DANCE He was winning. The little blue marble that kept rolling around the turntable fell more often than he expected on his number or his color. Roulette waa a game he had been attracted...

    THIRTEEN by Alyssa Taylor

    “We have to go,” Christian whispered to himself.  Four months, twenty-three days, seventeen hours, forty minutes, and twenty-six seconds was how long it took to plan this heist. Twelve paintings. That was the job, nothing more,...

    THREE SIDES TO EVERY STORY by Brooke Reynolds

    Three Sides to Every Story The Woman                 Collapsing structures, boarded up windows, and heaping mounds of trash are what I see from my office window and yet, I am the lucky one. My babies will...

    EMPTY FRAME by Delancy Gunther

    Empty Frame By: Delancy Gunther Ben’s paintbrush danced across the canvas in unwavering arcs. Greens and blues splashed together in vibrant harmony, a clear midday sky mixed with the bright green leaves of a weeping willow...