Home Fiction - Year IV - Number 27 - August 2019

Fiction - Year IV - Number 27 - August 2019

    MY FIRST SOLE LITTLE LETTER by Paweł Markiewicz

    MY FIRST SOLE LITTLE LETTERby Paweł Markiewicz My first sole little letter Calling allringing so beauteously-muse-like and winged like eternally gentle pinion of a melancholic harpDear valued mellow quaint readers-dreamers! At 5.30 pm the meek time...

    SAFETY by Victoria Harris

    SAFETYBy Victoria Harris Keep your distance from her. That’s what has always kept you safe. Sane. Next time she tries to draw you into a conversation about yourself, steer it elsewhere. And don’t have so...

    THE CLIENT by Catherine Lin

    THE CLIENTby Catherine Lin The first thing Debbie noticed when Hilaria Wigotsky got into her car, was that she didn’t look like most clients.  From the thick, blonde hair elegantly coiled on the back of...

    THE DAY OF THE FIRE by Jeff Bakkensen

    THE DAY OF THE FIREby Jeff Bakkensen There’s a special smile when they see you walking a dog. Like, Yep, one of the tribe. Mei’s said pregnant women get it too, earlier than you’d think. But...

    THE RESCUE by Elie Axelroth

    THE RESCUEby Elie Axelroth The stranger who rescued him was a dark-skinned woman. He heard the swish of her silky dress, the clicking of high heels as she approached along the pedestrian walkway on the...

    ELIZABETH PETTIGREW by Richard Bader

    ELIZABETH PETTIGREWby Richard Bader She opened the door before we could knock, in a long silver dress and hair the same color, scarlet lips framing too-white teeth. “How awfully kind of you to come!” she...

    THE YOUNG WARRIORS by Steve Slavin

    THE YOUNG WARIORSby Steve Slavin 1The day before I left for basic training, I sat in Katz’s, a massive family style delicatessen on the Lower Eastside. Widely known for its delicious pastrami, corned beef, and...

    SHOP by ML Paul

    SHOPby ML Paul Like a photo plucked from developer too soon, she appeared underdeveloped to herself as she looked in the mirror of the third floor bathroom.   To correct this problem, she opened her laptop,...

    THE FIELD OF PLAY by Mike Sharlow

    THE FIELD OF PLAYBy Mike Sharlow Our world revolved around “the field.” It was about fifty yards wide from the street to the block wall of St. Dominic’s Convent and about two blocks long. In...

    A POCKET OF AIR by Annette Freeman

    A POCKET OF AIRby Annette Freeman   Denny gave the cast of the play one round of perfunctory applause, a quick slap together of his palms, then he was heading for the door. He pushed out...