Fiction - Year V - Number 34 - March 2020

    HUNTER AND HUNTED by Judy Bee and Antaeus

    HUNTER AND HUNTEDby Judy Bee and Antaeus Dudleyville, Arizona, population 959The blond-haired young man, whose mother called him "Angel Face," clutched the knife tightly as he stalked me through the woods. We'd been runnin' for...

    CHRISTMAS TREE HEIST by Angela Smith

    CHRISTMAS TREE HEISTby Angela Smith  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing on the other end of my cellphone. Someone had been cutting down the Colorado blue spruce trees, Fraser fir trees, and even a...

    CADAVER IN THE FOREST by Robert Faszczewski

    CADAVER IN THE FORESTby Robert Faszczewski Author’s Note: The following story is purely fictional. Any resemblance to real people or incidents is strictly coincidental. *****The badly decomposed body lay deep in a long-unused well in one...

    FINDING HER by Bianca Bonilla

    FINDING HERby Bianca Bonilla  When I went to check the time, I got an incoming call from my sister. Right from when I picked up the phone, I thought I was going to go deaf. Emily...

    A FORK IN THE ROAD by Gary Delmar Jaycox

    A FORK IN THE ROADby Gary Delmar Jaycox   “Can I pee in the back of your truck? Pleeeese.”            Thus roused from a fleeting daydream, I turned to my left to see her standing there. On...

    THE BROKEN COMPASS by Ciaran McLarnon

    THE BROKEN COMPASSby Ciaran McLarnon  From a distance they seemed smooth and angular, but still snow managed to cling to the slate-grey peaks that kept the landing strip secluded. Bryce watched through the porthole beside...


    FLAMENCO FOR BEGINNERS by Anita Haas  Peggy splashed water on her face and left the ladies’ room. The dry heat of late June in Madrid had made her feel faint. Wooden floors groaned under her step,...