Fiction - Year V - Number 36 - May 2020

    THINK LIKE A THIEF by Jim Zinaman

    THINK LIKE A THIEF                            By Jim Zinaman    Through the glass walls of his office on the Equities Institutional Sales and Trading floor, Brass Brothers Partner Lloyd Fuchsberg glanced at his soldiers battling on his newly expanded...

    BEAUTIFUL IN THE WATER by Brad Shurmantine

    BEAUTIFUL IN THE WATERby Brad Shurmantine  Packed with the fat and arrogance that would kill him three years later, Julius Schott lumbered back to his portable classroom after the secret lunch meeting he had organized...

    OBSCURA by Ian Swalwell

    OBSCURAby Ian Swalwell  It was too early for the cacophony, too early for the anxiety, too early for the shame, but it was there anyway.  It wasn’t late enough to grab someone by the shirt...