Poetry - Year II - Number 5 - December 2016

    WAYFARING, Poems by Carl Scharwath

    WAYFARINGBy Carl Scharwath  WAYFARINGCity rain breathingRadiation from the storm cloudsAs tar black feather ballsDisguise the avenue.Ghosts in the metropolisLeer from empty buildingsPoisonous tomb stonesRising in the shadowsDevout of humanityLifeless and forsakenOn what journeyThe victim returns?   ADMONITIOYou...

    MARTYRDOM IN THE EAST, Poems by George Moore

    MARTYRDOM IN THE EASTBy George MooreMartyrdom in the EastThe more hateful was the cruelty, which spared not so tender an age, the greaterin truth was the power of faith which found evidence even in...