Poetry - Year III - Number 10 - November 2017

    SUMMER NIGHTS by Jacquelyne Nemeth

    SUMMER NIGHTSBy Jacquelyne Nemeth Alaska Don't say you love me. You don't love me if you don't know that my favorite smell is when it rains in mid august and you go outside at 4am and...

    BEAR MARKET by Francisco Mejia

    BEAR MARKETBy Francisco Mejia TRAJECTORY TO LOMBARDI’S, 1905 King Darius’ armies baked your ancestors upon their shields,mouths reeking of cheese while suppressingBabylonian revoltsand Nebuchadnezzar III. Did Celaeno not foretellthe blood guiltof Aeneas and his men,guilt driving them...

    ORIGAMI AND SWEATERS by Kennie Romero

    ORIGAMI AND SWEATERSBy Kennie Romero Yextla, 1970 Once upon a timeYear 1970, in a Mexicanvillage tucked in the foldsof corn and poppy fields,abuelito threatened a witchfor putting incantations on abuelitawho laid in bed near oblivion’s curtain...

    LEAVE by Katie Predick

    LEAVEBy Katie Predick  The Physics of Loss I thought of you todayin the grocery store. It is strawberry season and a bounty of bright red fruit was piled in the cooler.And I am back in that afternoon we...