Poetry - Year V - Number 31 - December 2019

    HEARING by Diane Webster

    HEARINGby Diane Webster HEARING My hearing intensifieswhen I lay me down to sleeplike feral cat dozingon top of abandoned shelfwith sounds ticklingdelicate ear hairs like train whistle miles awaywith wind I am in my bedroomat my parent’s...

    ALTERED by LB Sedlacek

    ALTEREDby LB Sedlacek AssemblyPlace theframeon a flatcleansurface bend tabsbackremove protectivefilminsertpictureartworklifebend tabsforwardandpresstosecurehangframeon aflatcleansurface. Nobody’s PlaygroundI noticed the slides first, hidden in thetrees, trees grown up around camouflagingthe unused abandoned playgroundthe utility building red with doors wideopen – it is empty,...

    LISBON by Byron Beynon

    LISBONby Byron Beynon   WAVESFirm muscles of watermove deliberately across the boardpumping the air with sounds;a panoply of waves,the preserved overlapin a mind of curling whisperscome to blend with the shore.Complex characterswith a fickle strengththeir joints...

    SWALLOW by Keith Hoerner

    SWALLOWBy Keith Hoerner  engrossed with millions of americansin others’ misfortunes       movement distracts me       from the nearly two-hundred pound nine year old on tv       you carry a juicy earthworm in your bone-colored beak       to feed three tiny,...