Fiction - Year VI - Number 46 - March 2021

    CAKE RUSH by Courtnei Hill

    Cake Rush By Courtnei Hill If being in a baking competition didn’t bring a pit in Sarah’s stomach, it was her fallen cake. Her heartbeat ringing in her ears, deafened the sound of ovens and mixing...

    THE LAST GOOD BAD GUY by Patti Cavaliere

    It’s ten o’clock on Sunday morning when the thunder of a Harley stops in my driveway.  Two slices of raisin bread toast and a mug of Columbian are before me on the table and...

    THE PIZZA PLACE by Anthony Tanner

                I enjoy walking home from work. The night air is filled with sounds of late-night lovers and alleyway cats fighting over the days trash. A sense of ease as life continues as usual.            ...

    EDENVILLE DAM by Richard Ault

    Edenville Dam Hazel Thomas got the first alert on her pager just after midnight on a rainy Tuesday night in mid-May. It was followed by a text on her phone as she hurried to pull...

    WELCOME TO THE FUNHOUSE by Wendy Miller Norris

                The blindfold is yanked from my eyes and I'm looking at Big Mike and Wild Bill, my soon to be fraternity brothers. Surrounded by darkness, not even the sparkle of stars glimmering in...

    TO BALANCE THE TALLY by Vipul Lunia

    To Balance the Tally Summer Winds from the west were teasing the tamarinds in the Grove. Farm Lands were nude like a new born. The hot air made it unbearable for any soul to be...


    One of Those Life-Altering Decisions Alan climbed on the bus at 7.32am, just like he’d done every morning for the past ten years. Staring dead ahead into the grand void of his thoughts, he went and...

    TUPPERWARE by Alan Massey

    Alan Massey Tupperware, and the Little Red Sliver for a Second Hand             After my mother’s DUI, I took to driving her to her depressing little breakfast diner gig. If I had to guess, she started...

    THE DOORKEEPER by Allissa Barker

                The red-nosed boy stole half of my soul. His dark, empty eyes stared up at me, unblinking. He had dark circles underneath his unmoving eyes and a scar trailing down his pale, bony...

    DOG DAYS by Julia Gross

    Dog Days by  J. F. Gross             First her dog died, then her mother. Truth be told, it was the dog Beth missed. He had been so easy. She adopted Mac, a yellow Lab, between her first...