Home Fiction - Year VI - Number 47 - April 2021

Fiction - Year VI - Number 47 - April 2021

    WEST SIDE HIGHWAY by Leah Erickson

    When she emerged from the elevator, he was surprised to see that she was alone. Usually she was with her husband, on the way to a book launch or a gallery opening or a...

    IMPACT WINTER by Shaun Polakow

    IMPACT WINTER By Shaun Polakow The sky was a crime scene without clues, bereft of moon or sun. Casket black and unchanged by time or season it cast the icy tundra below in darkness. The only...

    FRIEDA’S SOLUTION by Lee Grossman

    Frieda’s Solution Lee Grossman             Frieda was stumped.  All of her plans had come to grief, and her new baby brother was still chirping and slurping away.  She had figured that by now her parents would...

    UNREQUITED BY RULES by Monika R. Martyn

    Unrequited by Rules The summer afternoon had been punished, and when the sun made its encore appearance amidst the leaving storm clouds, the redeeming blue sky stole the show. Manfred sauntered out into the garden,...

    MR. GORBACHEV, TEAR DOWN THIS WALL by Frederick G. Yeager

    MR. GORBACHEV, TEAR DOWN THIS WALL With five trash bags in my right hand and whistling “The Yellow Rose of Texas,” I walked toward the six-foot-high, ten-foot-long wall my dad built on our lawn. Every...

    THE MOANING LISA by Nelson Samuels

    Second-grader John’s unsophisticated interpretation of a turkey was the featured creative display. Framed and loosely taped to the hall wall, it functioned as the morning’s primary welcoming committee of each student that entered the...

    THE ROAD by Veronica Suchodolski

    The Road Veronica Suchodolski             Ella liked visiting Dean. The town where he went to college was quiet and wooded, and in the fall it smelled like chimney smoke and the sweet decay of leaves dissolving...

    KINDERKARE by Meredith Suter-Wadley

    Kinderkare Meredith Wadley I. The parents Absolutely two kinds of parents leave their kids with us, those who appreciate what we do for them and those who patronize us. Although I don’t like being patronized, I won’t...


    “The Man, the Woods, and the Mistake” He could hear his heart pounding in his chest and his throat burned like fire as he ran faster and faster.  He knew there was no hope of...

    BLACK OP BLOG by John E.C.

    Black Op Blog for R.N. The reason? To heighten, within the populace, the fear and hatred of the perceived enemy’s threat, in order to increase the state’s authoritarian grip. A straight up and down Black Op...