Home NonFiction - Year V - Number 43 - December 2020

NonFiction - Year V - Number 43 - December 2020

    FIFTH COLUMN by Louis Gallo

    I somehow survived the disfiguring identity crises of high school and the end had finally come.  School closed and summer burst open like a solar flare, so scalding you wanted to take off your...

    HONORABLE MENTION by Sara Garland

                The stage light stared at me from the water-stained ceiling. My note cards, which had been arranged so carefully and bound together with metal rings as an added measure of security, were now...

    STACI by Jeffrey Loeb

    The house was only blocks away, so I got there in minutes. Staci’s sobs were already breathless heaves. All I could do was hold her and utter empty words: “What is it, sweetheart? Tell...

    SHEPARD’S HAUNT by Wes Blake

    Years ago I heard that Sam Shepard drank here. Since then I’ve stopped in several times, and I hear a new Shepard story almost every time. When I say “here” I really mean Heirloom...

    SLOWLY SLIDING by Jennifer Hildebrandt

    December 29, 2016, Updated Death Wishes You don’t have to mourn or carry on or weep or pace. Get over it. I’m dying. Talk to me. Tell me to hurry the hell up. Or take...

    A CANDLE FOR FLORENCE by Martta Kelly

    Every year on the anniversary of the death of my mother, Florence, I struggle with the same dilemma: Should I light a yahrzeit candle in her memory, or not?  In Judaism, the yahrzeit candle...