Poetry - Year II - Number 7 - Volume II - June 2017

    THE LADY’S EYES – By Jules Supervielle, translated by John J. Ronan

    THE LADY'S EYESBy Jules Supervielle / translated by John J. Ronan This woman, whom I know, seems to herself unknown, absently off in the heavens wearing her weary expression, A rose made of cloth stiff on its iron stalk, and pearls...

    THE BUG ON THE WALL – By Sam Kaufman

    A POEM IN WHICH THE MOON REJECTS YOUBy Danielle Hanson  Instructions on Stripping Take the rotten unused light of the moon,Add what the mirror sees when it is dark—Forgetting is lovely at night. Throw away all that...

    NAMELESS MOMENTS – By Harold Barnes

    NAMELESS MOMENTSBy Harold Barnes   NAMELESS MOMENTSThis poemIs s proxyA placeholderFor every lapseIn my memoryIt representsThe fullness ofMy lifeA sum of allThe nameless momentsThat shaped meThe undersideOf the coinThe greater ofTwo evils    PARANOIDI fear these wordsHave already...

    NATURE / STOP / IGNORE – By Karl Miller

    NATURE / STOP / IGNOREBy Karl Miller Nature/violence (Diptych) Stop (Triptych) Ignore (Diptych) About the Author: Karl Miller’s fiction and poetry have appeared in numerous periodicals, including RE:AL, Portland Review, Subtle Tea, Cold Mountain Review and others; his play,...


    SHADOWGRAPH 144: FROM ONE CAVITY TO ANOTHERBy Sean Howard shadowgraph 144: from one cavity to another(poetry detected in claude cohen-tannoudji’s nobel physics lecture, 1997) ‘the orchestrated effort’: detuning the spheres! (chime waves.) ‘sequencing,’ eventide, bells summoning the stars… (macbeth’sred carpet.) hulled, light...

    NOT YOU – By Sandra Hosking

    NOT YOUBy Sandra Hosking Cricket Serenade Cricket sings his songWind carries it to TigerHer ear flicks then turns Dragonfly Why call it dragonIf it does not breathe fire?Heed its crushing jaw Joe Wears a Cape Joe wears a cape, superhero...

    INNOCENCE – By Shayna Boisvert

       INNOCENCEBy Shayna Boisvert    ParthenonEven within my youth, I sensed something...I recall when it came to meTucked softly into bedHow irresistibly comforting it felt To be tucked within the sheetsI nnocentSwiftly this would end...I no longertake for...

    ALFRED AND MOSES – By Timothy Robbins

    ALFRED AND MOSESBy Timothy Robbins Alfred and Moses(for A.E. Housman) I picture a Merchant Ivory flick.Young classicist with patrician cheeks,face of an Arabian prancer, featuresprecise as a Latin declension.His friend, the rowing Blue, with aClydesdale jaw...

    DREAM PATHS – By Denny E. Marshall

       DREAM PATHSBy Denny E. Marshall   Spiral LongingFreedomIn DNAIn all of usImmuneTo evolution    Dream PathsI often wonder why dreams seem so realSome recalled most evaporate like frostMind has a failsafe what not to revealI often wonder why...

    FEED FLOWERS – By Mark Taksa

    FEED FLOWERSBy Mark Taksa  Feed FlowersWind, if it woke, might scrape a leafagainst the planks. Flowers wilt in the pot.A departed wind pushed the watering can, dry,to its side. Dry wood shows through porch paint.Long...