Home Poetry - Year II - Number 7 - Volume II - June 2017

Poetry - Year II - Number 7 - Volume II - June 2017

    LOVE IS IN THE PROOF – By Dr. Peter Scheponik

    LOVE IS IN THE PROOFBy Dr. Peter Scheponik Pond Song Today the pond has visitors, Canadian geese,an even dozen gliding across its rippling surface,the geese dip gracefully among the reedsrigid with December’s breath.They are a prayer...

    NOT YOU – By Sandra Hosking

    NOT YOUBy Sandra Hosking Cricket Serenade Cricket sings his songWind carries it to TigerHer ear flicks then turns Dragonfly Why call it dragonIf it does not breathe fire?Heed its crushing jaw Joe Wears a Cape Joe wears a cape, superhero...

    FEED FLOWERS – By Mark Taksa

    FEED FLOWERSBy Mark Taksa  Feed FlowersWind, if it woke, might scrape a leafagainst the planks. Flowers wilt in the pot.A departed wind pushed the watering can, dry,to its side. Dry wood shows through porch paint.Long...

    TABLE-SCARF – By Mary Jane White

    TABLE-SCARFBy Mary Jane White ENVOI Having returned from beyond black bordersOver sundry riversI come to our final parting & bring at last that kiss the departed are freely granted& call out  wailing  above your absence Since separation forbids...

    INNOCENCE – By Shayna Boisvert

       INNOCENCEBy Shayna Boisvert    ParthenonEven within my youth, I sensed something...I recall when it came to meTucked softly into bedHow irresistibly comforting it felt To be tucked within the sheetsI nnocentSwiftly this would end...I no longertake for...

    MIDWAY – By Michael Carr

    MIDWAYBy Michael Carr Midway A student asks me why Dantewandered off the straight path,and I tell him that midwaythrough his life he might findthe answer. Now, it would just be esoteric. I wake at three to the soundof...

    HONEYMOON FOR A GHOST – By Hyrum K. Hunt

    POEMSBy Osip Mandelstam / translated by Don Mager Untitled Accept as gladness from my palmsA little sun and a little honeyAs the bees of Persephone directed. Not to be untied is an unmoored boat,Not to be heard...


    SHADOWGRAPH 144: FROM ONE CAVITY TO ANOTHERBy Sean Howard shadowgraph 144: from one cavity to another(poetry detected in claude cohen-tannoudji’s nobel physics lecture, 1997) ‘the orchestrated effort’: detuning the spheres! (chime waves.) ‘sequencing,’ eventide, bells summoning the stars… (macbeth’sred carpet.) hulled, light...

    NAMELESS MOMENTS – By Harold Barnes

    NAMELESS MOMENTSBy Harold Barnes   NAMELESS MOMENTSThis poemIs s proxyA placeholderFor every lapseIn my memoryIt representsThe fullness ofMy lifeA sum of allThe nameless momentsThat shaped meThe undersideOf the coinThe greater ofTwo evils    PARANOIDI fear these wordsHave already...

    NATURE / STOP / IGNORE – By Karl Miller

    NATURE / STOP / IGNOREBy Karl Miller Nature/violence (Diptych) Stop (Triptych) Ignore (Diptych) About the Author: Karl Miller’s fiction and poetry have appeared in numerous periodicals, including RE:AL, Portland Review, Subtle Tea, Cold Mountain Review and others; his play,...