Poetry - Year III - Number 11 - January 2018

    LOVELY DREAMS by Mitchel Montagna

    LOVELY DREAMSBy Mitchel Montagna For Ann, 1953-1970 There’s darkness ahead, with reels of grief.But on Christmas Eve nobody could know.They gathered in church to voice their beliefin tones as serene as the falling snow.   Ann’s brother served...

    CLARITY by Irene Mitchell

    CLARITYBy Irene Mitchell Premonition Fallen grapes eaten beneath the vines’ enclosure.All those annoying twists and tangles. Wiser not to dwell on complexitybut feast on regenerative imagination.A drop of water on the lilypadalerts me to possibilities in the field. What...

    MY FAVORITE NIECE by Patrick Mahoney

    MY FAVORITE NIECEBy Patrick Mahoney THE BASEMENT OR THE ATTIC The line is long and never-endingAs it winds throughout the skyAcross the clouds that hide the sunAnd stars that never shineThe melting pot of human formsBlend...

    DOG DAYS by Ian Smith

    DOG DAYSBy Ian Smith Dog Days Overheard in the early stages of these beige days,my last challenge, trekking the desertfar from a ruinous prime when oases always shimmered,two women walking laps refer to a dog named...

    RAPTURE OF FUNK by Lenny Lewis

    THE RAPTURE OF FUNK By Lenny Lewis Two nights before Frediawas due backfrom elective castrationI carried her one-eyedblack dog down the stairs.Both of us soakedin his urine.It was all he could doto stand up. Totteringin circles....

    WALKING by Patrick Hurley

    WALKING…selectionsBy Patrick Hurley *** letters and numbers convergethen dissolve into pure sound suddenly visible in the pavementa repeated pattern of circles late sounds come to usapproaching dissonance beautifully eyes burn and water–the airborne miasma each cold breath a knife bladeand...

    THREE POEMS by Tamara Williams

    THREE POEMSBy Tamara Williams  *** Pain, there are many women who carries your labor.Here are their stories.Cheers to the woman in Black with no strings attached.Your soreness goes where ever you do.You lose yourself in everybody...