Home Poetry - Year III - Number 16 - September 2018

Poetry - Year III - Number 16 - September 2018

    SYNTHESIS by Tucker Lux

         SYNTHESISby Tucker Lux   SYNTHESISIt can happen anywhereall at once.Memories bringtrees to applausecooling, brushing skinenvelopinvade.Summer’s first whisperbrings allwayward ghosts homefrom haunting the scentI trail.Medicine for a fractured heart,split so many waysMidwestern airprairie sweet.If I have known...

    COMFORT IN A THEORY by Mark Taksa

    COMFORT IN A THEORYby Mark Taksa Comfort in a Theory The watering can I hold over a daisyis dry. Waiting for my neighbor to appearin her window, I pose. The pocket of my shirthides the ripped...

    ROAD TRIP by Sarah Sherwood

    ROAD TRIPby Sarah Sherwood A Wild Place I come from a place quite untouched by fame,Where waters flow, quiet and pure.In this place, there’s no conquest to claim.The people are safe and secure. I come from a...

    HAPPINESS by Andres Mesa

    HAPPINESSby Andres Mesa   HappinessNo one wants to talk about happiness.One would expect,Since there’s so little of it to go around,People would clamor to hearof the twenty peopleIn the heartlandwho found their true lovestoday.Some solitary academicfinally...

    IT’S THAT KIND OF DARK by Kate LaDew

    IT’S THAT KIND OF DARKby Kate LaDew  it’s that kind of dark exactly like in those silent films, when the man tenderly puts his arm around the woman’s back, under her knees,lifts her white and black...

    THE RIVER IN SUMMER by Iain Twiddy

         THE RIVER IN SUMMERby Iain Twiddy    Leaf-fallsThe trees are squandering their leaves,crisp red and gold notes, thin as smoke,backed by a huge blue bank of sky.They pile up, add to the childish stashI would kick...

    NEWTON’S LAW by Lenny Lewis

    NEWTON'S LAWBy Lenny Lewis  He'd been raped in Tripoliso he said. Hosted a parasite.Given it to her without asking.She sported a livid scarwhere the worm had turned. Soho before it was fashionable.Before AIDS. Long beforeevery properly...

    THIS IS MY EVENING by Diarmuid ó Maolalai

    THIS IS MY EVENINGby Diarmuid ó Maolalai Israel and Palestine. I had put the goldfishin a small tank by the windowand had named them(some joke)Israel and Palestine.they didn't know the joke.they lived togetheras good a life...

    STEEL PROPHET by Jonathan DeCoteau

    STEEL PROPHETby Jonathan DeCoteau  Steel Prophet The split-second cleaving of foliage—gauntFrom the haunches of marauding night—peeks through, with lead-tongued pantingAnd black crescent eyes:It is a baby deer made manifest before meAs I set my steel sites...

    CITY DEER by Darren Demaree

    CITY DEERBy Darren Demaree     CITY DEER #13there is play in emerging from the trees to consume to raise your head to bat  your ears against the quiet that will always raise a head to meet...