Poetry - Year IV - Number 23 - April 2019

    SONATA by Trivarna Hariharan

    SONATAby Trivarna Hariharan LullabyListeningto our river’s old flow—I make peace with myself. SonataWhat shall fillthe absence ofthe flowers thathave fallen fromour Kadamba? ReflectionIn the stillnessof an autumn river—I meet a worlduntouched bythe mind. FloweringBreath by breath—a peony opens...

    WHISPERS by Makayla Minnich

    WHISPERSby Makayla Minnich Whispers When I am still, I start to think,And thinking rarely serves me well.My mind recalls hurt feelings, fear,And empty threats on which to dwell. A foreign voice spits, “no one cares,”A chilling laugh...