Poetry - Year IV - Number 27 - August 2019


    HE PRETENDS TO BE A SENATORby O. Howard Winn   HE PRETENDS TO BE A SENATORbut it is clearhe is really a Mock turtlefrom Capitalist Wonderland andhis song is a serenade tothe Red Queen runningthe nation...

    RE-READING ULYSSES … by Louis Gallo

    RE-READING ULYSSES …by Louis Gallo   RE-READING ULYSSES IN MEDIAS RESAFTER MANY DECADES WHILE STEERINGTHE “SANTA MARIA” WESTWARD INTO THE DYING SUNAs Leopold savors his kidney with relish, his eye also cockedon an advertisement for Plumtree’s...

    LITTLE MAX MOUSE by James Padgett

    LITTLE MAX MOUSE  by James Padgett  It was a warm, sunny day in Willowy Wood.Little Max Mouse ran as fast as he could.He had to get to the Oak by the stream.It was his turn to...

    THE CROSS-TOWN by Eileen Valentino Flaxman

    THE CROSS-TOWNby Eileen Valentino Flaxman    The Cross-Townmakes its way in fits and starts, dayin and day out, from the east side tothe west and the doors hiss and thebrakes screech and people get on andoff,...

    A LOVE STORY by Gloria G. Murray

    A LOVE STORYby Gloria G. Murray    A LOVE STORY we kissed in the dark hallwaysof the Canarsie projectsbacks pressedagainst the concrete walllips sealedwith the grout of lustyour tongue swirling under mineyour ardent fingers curlinglike a sculptoraround...

    MY YOUNG LIONS by Lynne D. Soulagnet

    BONDAGEThe intensity of your glarecould sear my fleshburn a hole right through me.I compress myself into the chair,use a book as a shield.I have done it again,rubbed sandpaper on your wounds.What did I say...

    EMBODIED SOIL by Sarah Conklin

    EMBODIED SOILby Sarah Conklin  You never loved me, I was just a body. I come home to dead flowers hanging on the wall, parched but aesthetically pleasingdry from humidity and a lack of loveThe eucalyptus has...

    SALT by Robert McCloy

    SALTby Robert McCloy  Old St. David’s (Cheraw, SC) August pines and majestic magnoliasStand testament to centuriesOf weddings, Sundays, funerals;Gentle, torrid windAdorns the forlorn, silent yard. What storiesOf passion, hope, faith,Impotence, despair, bewildermentAre sealed in the rootsOf the...

    RUNNING by Stella Prince

    RUNNINGby Stella Prince  Tell me now, what do you think?I might never love again.What can you say to me tonight?So I’ll believe in you again. Cause I’m running now,I guess I might come back eventually,But I’m...

    CHERRY FLOWER by Daniel King

    CHERRY FLOWERby Daniel King  Centaur Zenith We see the galaxy below usEach star with azurite fire allureThrough Delta prisms they are peerlessTransformed like cerium laser lightFor Titans, lemniscate with wildness,Who slant triumphant, descend and arcAnd blaze...