Home Poetry – Year V – Number 37 – June 2020

Poetry – Year V – Number 37 – June 2020

    HANDS by Milton Ehrlich

    HANDS Can pluck a Stradivarius, sculpt a David out of marble, pleasure oneself, or a loving partner, scratch an itch, pick your nose, wipe your ass, write a play, applaud and give a standing ovation, tie a shoelace or...


    MALPENES PUXARRA CÓSMICU Por Xe M. Sánchez ¿Pescáncieslo agora, nesti tiempu de peste, d’incertidume, de llerza? Nos, que dexamos les nueses güelgues na...

    NATURE’S FAN by Rhienna Renée Guedry

    Nature’s Fan golden light, a smell like downy wings of pigeons at the crown of a young mother’s head. it is the first, if not the only thing i see, shining brighter than a cherub’s flesh, a...

    JOKER by Jason Wright

    Joker Working on something is better than doing nothing. Being a joker in the kingdom is being the one with all the wisdom. Walking any line is better than a walk In the dark, seeing through sunshine is better than showing your spots....

    THE NARRATOR AND THE POET by Korkut Onaran

    THE NARRATOR AND THE POET It snowed all day and now, although in a timid way, sun is shining through the clouds like a small but slowly growing hope, and it is casting shadows of...

    SILENCE by Anna.S Kapung

    SILENCE ...

    MATTER OF LYING by Terry Brinkman

    Matter of Lying Midnight was my worst time for walking so terrifying Two or Three opinions on the matter of lying Modality of the bulimic Her sunshade scented of urine flux Acid smoke light from gun powder patronymic Cakey sand...

    THE FIG SONNET by Margaret Lee Triplett

    The Fig Sonnet She leaned into me. The wind pushed me back. The glare closed my eyes. The bird grasped the limb. The tweet soothed my chills. The rock warmed my heart. The stone felt my hand. The gold cleft the blue. The...

    BUTTERNUT by Thomas Cook

    BUTTERNUT I am asked to change even my favorite passwords, in increments, in a base ten system, for the good of the algorithm. My friend and I have been sending one another local news stories,...

    SOUTHWEST by Daniel Cureton

    Southwest On iron red tipped mountains high, heat and scorched earth cracked in rays, waves brought by arid death— beams shooting through salt flats barren an age ago, cracking the range as Earth splits the crust westward through basin voids—billow...