Poetry - Year VII - Number 50 - July 2021

    SEA AND SOIL POEMS by Steve Mentz

    Sea and Soil Poems Of thirteen minds I swim past Whale Rock.Cold air leeches warmth from rotating armsThat plunge into grey-green sea with each stroke.Turning my chin, I count, and count again. Their beaks all point north,...

    TIME by Eugenia Fain

    TimeA fibonnaci poem TimeFadesIntoEternalWaves cascading inPools in which we are a pebble. A Rondel Poem When I do spy your lovely face,My heart leaps with joy,At your antics that are so coy.My pain leaves me without a...

    HAPPINESS by Benjamin B. White

    Happiness Neo-pagans kneelBefore the spiritualityOf natural cycles,Then drive their SUVsTo Michael’s Craft StoreAnd buy decorationsFor the insideOf their cavesWhere dysfunction behavesLike a north starTo guideThe ritualsOf individualsInto cultural practicesSo unbreakableThey become unbearableAnd loseTheir purposeIn the...

    OLD SCHOOL by Sean Murphy

    Ars moriendi It’s true, she died peacefully, in her home.This is all she wanted; all we asked for(after asking for a great number of things,each denied in turn, by doctors, her bodyand all we can’t...

    WORTHWHILE CREATURES by Nathan Tluchowski

    worthwhile creatures my poems don’t matterthe breasts of devils give ill milkand each tragedy of a big cunt or bad circulation can’tnullify:the dirty snow oraugered shitholescentralized heat orthe gigas bible of women laying salt on...

    HOW MUCH OF HISTORY IS TRUE by Randall Rogers

    How Much Of History Is True? Twixt lifeand deathbirth and evaporationlies inexplicable gleeand honest hopeless despair;steady the craft!too much is just enoughto determine holisticallya bigger pictureof despairredeemingdeath’s declinein euphonious cacophonyof euphoric joy.Thy tractor beamof salvation. Octopus...

    MAPLE by Van Anderson

    Birthday I was a gift to mother years ago,seventy-four, to be exact, and sheturned thirty-five the day that I was born.We keep close track and number years becausewe are the briefest segment, nano tickwithin the...