Home Fiction - Year I - Number 1 - December 2015

Fiction - Year I - Number 1 - December 2015

    DELUGE By R. Leib

    DELUGEBy R. Leib You might as well call me Noman.  That isn't my name, but the reference will do for the purpose of our exchange.  I never had a girlfriend or a wife.  That's just...

    WEEKEND IN FARO By Stevan V. Nikolic

    CHRIS CORLEONE's SECRET(Weekend In Faro, Chapter Eight)By Stevan V. Nikolic Michael jumped. It was 5:15 p.m. The train was arriving in Faro at 5:35 p.m. He had to take down his luggage from the overhead...

    I’LL FIND MY OWN WAY OUT By Scott Kauffman

    I'LL FIND MY OWN WAY OUTBy Scott Kauffman “Those two just threw themselves into everything, and we told each other that’s the pluck one must dig down deep to discover if you’re to play out...

    AS DUAS CIDADES By João Franco

    AS DUAS-CIDADESBy João Franco Não havia outra solução. Vali, a grande sacerdotisa do povo castoriano, voltou a consultar os dados que o gigantesco computador biónico projectava no ar diante dela e confirmou todos os seus...

    AIPLANE DOWN By Jody Rawley

    AIRPLANE DOWNBy Jody Rawley(Part One)Going South In A HurryTwenty minutes before the homeroom bell on a cold dry October morning, eleventh grader, Patricio Feliciano, sprinted the hundred yards from Chaparral High School’s flying model...

    PRO FORMA By Robert J. Lowenherz, Ph.D.

    PRO FORMABy Robert J. Lowenherz, Ph.D. One hour after a massive heart attack, William S. Jefferson died in his hospital bed. What followed was not at all what he would have expected.  A parchment scroll...


    THE MAN IN THE IRONED SUITBy Joshua Truxton The young man in dark blue stepped gingerly around the soft piles left by stray dogs and approached the two shabbily dressed men who stood twenty-feet away,...

    A GIGANTE By João Franco

    Era uma vez, num pequeno vale escondido no Monte Ararat, uma diminuta raça de gigantes que ali existia desde o princípio dos tempos. As altas falésias que rodeavam aquele vale fechado tinham impedido que...

    O DESFILADEIRO DE AMO – A história do último unicórnio / Fim de...

    O DESFILADEIRO DE AMOA história do último unicórnio( Fim de semana em Faro / Capítulo Dezanove / Stevan V. Nikolic)Traduzido do Inglês porAdelaide Franco Nikolic O unicórnio é um animal lendário, que tem sido descrito...

    THE MAGIC HOUR By Kathryn Esplin-Oleski

    THE MAGIC HOURBy Kathryn Esplin When I was growing up, dinner-table conversation often revolved around scientific discourse, the recitation of poetry composed during dinner, and the recollection of past travel and of lands not yet...