Home Fiction - Year III - Number 13 - May 2018

Fiction - Year III - Number 13 - May 2018

    ABBY’S GOODBYE by Sharon Frame Gay

    ABBY'S GOODBYEBy Sharon Frame Gay Abby saw the news on Facebook. Todd Conway died last night. The funeral will be held Saturday at The Church of the Woods in Deer Ridge. In lieu of flowers,...

    OUT OF TUNE by Annina Lavee

    OUT OF TUNEBy Annina Lavee We’d all agreed; we’d all emailed; we’d all seen the photos online. We gathered in Ville Pieve a small village outside of Lucca, Italy at a five-hundred-year old villa in...

    THE CHOICE by Zia Marshall

    THE CHOICEBy Zia Marshall Kaira stood at the edge of the water, watching the frothy waves as they swept over her bare feet before receding into the distant ocean. The waves danced over her feet,...

    FLICKERS OF LIGHT by Hina Ahmed

    FLICKERS OF LIGHTBy Hina Ahmed “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us.”       ---MaryAnne Williamson April...


    THE DAY THE RICHEST POLE DIEDby Ewa Mazierska The Rs. lived in the last house on our road, in central, yet rural and god-forsaken Poland. One hundred metres north from them was a statue of...

    THE KIND SOUL HE IS by Barbara Bottner

    THE KIND SOUL HE ISby Barbara Bottner “We’re not putting Boomer down,” says Dan, rushing after his morning shower. Our chocolate lab, Boomer, as if he were fluent in Death, sidles up to him, snuggles...

    RESTART by Amada Matei

    RESTARTBy Amada Matei Restart. Reboot. Refresh. New day. Fresh start. Forget regrets. My therapist told me I needed to find a ritual to remind my inner demons that the past is gone and today I...

    THE VISITS by David Massey

    THE VISITSBy David Massey They drove deeper into the country, up and down hills, through pine and scrub forests on both sides of the highway, until they came to the dirt road that left the...

    DROP OUT by Raymond Tatten

    DROP OUTBy Raymond Tatten  A lazy ceiling fan coaxed May morning air past a wall portrait of President LBJ and through the crowded room as two marines looked up from clerk-sized desks.“Tatten? Major Williams is...

    OUR BILLY by Tom Lakin

    OUR BILLYBy Tom Lakin First, we found out what had happened. “Did you hear?” we asked, across marble countertops and in oak-paneled studies and through the open windows of cars, morning cold pouring in and...