Fiction - Year VI - Number 45 - February 2021

    PAINT, WILL, CRY by Leryl Joseph

    PAINT, WILL, CRY by Leryl Joseph Leonard was always the expressive one, not Will. Leonard was an artist, so expression was his thing. Everyone kept telling Will that it was strange he hadn’t cried yet, but...

    THE MAN by Alyssa Taylor

                                                                The Man "If only there was someone to boost me up," The man mumbled. I could barely make out his words, so I was sure he was talking to himself. He was the first to...

    FLAMENCO by Bruce Kamei

    Flamenco             The last two days were extremely long for Immigration and Naturalization Service Special Agent Takeshi Tsukemoto, for the INS served a warrant for illegals at a sweatshop.  Eighty-five aliens were taken into custody,...

    THE LOCKER by Wayne Dickerson

    The Locker By Wayne Dickerson             “I can't exactly get a grab of what today’s club activity is Micheal, ” said Simon. Everyday Micheal would put a letter in Simon’s locker. That letter would describe where...

    THE PLAY’S THE THING by Thomas Belton

    The Play’s the Thing By Thomas Belton In the first act, you get the hero up a tree, in the second you throw rocks at him, and in the third act you get the poor son-of-a-bitch back...

    LUCKY PENNY by Page Powers

    Lucky Penny By Page Powers My Pawpaw's steamer trunk sat on the porch covered with stickers that mapped his travels of the world. Next to it, rocking back and forth in the chair he made for...