Fiction - Year VII - Number 50 - July 2021

    A CUP OF TEA by Robert Parker

    A Cup of Tea. Of course, time travel is impossible. If it had been invented or discovered, we would know about it. This is for the simple reason that no matter what time the invention...

    GOING HOME by Emily Chaff

    GOING  HOME Springdale, Ohio.                 God, what a place.                 It was the sort of small town that lacked any of the charm that made small towns desirable in the hearts and minds of people who didn't...


    Beyond Appearances Playing in front of her house, a little girl sets wildflowers in earthen pots pretending to be a gardener. She lives with her parents in a red-roofed village, a quiet place with a...

    TUNNEL VISION by Susan Cornford

    Malcolm watched from the doorway as Imogene switched around place cards for their dinner party one last time. He was lucky to have found a wife with such a strong sense of, not snobbery…...

    SEATTLE, 1961 by Mike Dillon

    SEATTLE, 1961 by Mike Dillon As mother raised her fist to knock on the white door, she paused and glanced back at me. “Please take your cap off.” So, I did. “That’s what little gentlemen do,” she added...

    STALLER BREAKS by Phil Brunetti

    Staller Breaks Philip Brunetti It was all on stall for a short while longer.  He’d put himself on stall.  This was one of the few options.  Now that his heart was broken and he’d wept in...