Home Fiction - Year VII - Number 50 - July 2021

Fiction - Year VII - Number 50 - July 2021


    Running with the Wolves Kylie McKenzie I picked at the flecks of dirt beneath my fingernails as the rain outside turned from a downpour to a soft pitter-patter outside the cave. With my assault rifle holstered...

    TUNNEL VISION by Susan Cornford

    Malcolm watched from the doorway as Imogene switched around place cards for their dinner party one last time. He was lucky to have found a wife with such a strong sense of, not snobbery…...

    THE PRICE FOR GREEN by Lane Goble

    The Price for Green In an empty colorless theatre, a man in a black plague doctor mask, who we will call The Doctor, enters the stage. There is a painter's canvas and a stool, with...

    SEATTLE, 1961 by Mike Dillon

    SEATTLE, 1961 by Mike Dillon As mother raised her fist to knock on the white door, she paused and glanced back at me. “Please take your cap off.” So, I did. “That’s what little gentlemen do,” she added...

    IN THE LIFE OF A SLEEPWALKER by Paulette Carter

    I woke up in a cold sweat. I realized that my husband is not beside me in our bed. I come to and realize that my husband must be sleepwalking. The weirdest thing is...

    THE UNFORGOTTEN GIRL by Shylee Yachin

    The Unforgotten Girl He knew she lived in the egg house on the corner of Windflower Lane—the faded yolk one with cream-shell shutters. He knew who she was and where she came from and he...

    FADING AWAY by Sandra Colbert

    Fading Away Why was he looking at me? I was trying to make myself invisible. I know I looked awful – a complete mess. Was that why he was looking at me? Did my slovenly...

    UTOPIA AMERICANA by Charlotte Graham

    A place where love never endsThe room had seafoam colored walls, and one window:from it you could see the smoke. It was the middle of the day. Iwas at the end of my rope....

    SHIVER by Ben Shahon

    Shiver I don’t remember where or when it was that I first met Alex. As far back as I can remember, she and I have been close. Her mom, Patricia, and my mom, Sue, had...