Home Poetry - Year III - Number 19 - December 2018

Poetry - Year III - Number 19 - December 2018

    ALEX ON HIS GUITAR by Linda Barrett

    ALEX ON HIS GUITARby Linda Barrett Alex on His Guitar@2016 Linda BarrettHe got it as a gift from his fatherOn Christmas EveThe acoustic guitar of deep mahoganyCost around $500But the owner put it on saleAt...

    PERFECTLY BLIND by Philip Wexler

    PERFECTLY BLINDby Philip Wexler Perfectly Blind Her pledges, at the outset, sincere, genuineand most of all, honored.  Thus, you took refugefor a spell in the mirage of perfection.  Inevitably, the sheen began to tarnish.  She was too...

    THE PARTY by Laura Solomon

        THE PARTYby Laura Solomon   The PartyYou have to be dead to be invited to this party.As is to be expected, all the stars are here.Janis, Marilyn, Jesus.There are ordinary people too though.Kevin Watson who died...

    PENETRATING SECRETS by Cynthia Pitman

    PENETRATING SECRETSby Cynthia Pitman PENETRATING SECRETSWith all your science can you tell how it is — & whence it is, that light comes into the soul?-- ThoreauThe science is settled.We know it all now.No more...

    TRIBUTE by Heide Arbitter

    TRIBUTEby Heide Arbitter These daysSome assertHistory is a lieThe Holocaust never happenedSomebody made it up In Washington, DCCapitol to a countryOf assailed settlersThe blood of recollectionSprinkled on soilFertilized CementAnd blossomedMemory Some insistAll visit the Nation’s CapitolTo throw...

    RHINOCEROS by Tomas Sanchez Hidalgo

    RHINOCEROSby Thomas Sanchez Hidalgo It’s four a.m. I have serious problems. And a Magnum in my pocket. Minutes later, dozens of crows, over a crowd of scrapyard parts (near the shoulder), take flight at our...

    COSMOS by Dorsía J Smith

    COSMOSby Dorsía J. Smith Cosmos My son asks me what happened to his baby brother. What baby brother? The one in your belly, Mama. Why he’s gone to the air, I say,like a ball of cells radiating by motion.It’s...

    UNDERNEATH by Roger Singer

    UNDERNEATHby Roger Singer UNDERNEATHFall back under early stars.The sea moves reflective waves,pulsing onto sand, building likeengines of thunderous clouds.Streams of people merge intotemporary spaces; strangers oncorners, a brief land of shouldersstaring straight ahead.  A steady...

    LOTUS by Martina Reisz Newberry

    LOTUSby Martina Reisz Newberry 1. LOTUS On the other side of the mountain,my wealthy friend has built a castle.It was a long project but now sits, quiet as a profound thought, complete.The day I visited her, we...