Home Poetry - Year IV - Number 20 - January 2019

Poetry - Year IV - Number 20 - January 2019

    WHAT XERO OFFERS by Mark Young

    WHAT XERO OFFERSby Mark Young What Xero offers The leading online storage &file delivery service is enviedfor her use of the tropes she keeps in a secret gulag of unique art forms. Her young adult ministry is a global provider...

    ORANGE CAT by Mark Jamieson

    ORANGE CATby Mark Jamieson   She Could BeShe would be the proof in the pudding,Once beyond the should not or shoulding.Ever always, that one stitch in time,Willing and able, to save other nine.Her manner, sweeter more...

    OUT OF BED by Penney Knightly

    OUT OF BEDby Penney Knightly Out of Bed Slow to serenade, wispy, extendingarms and legs, a jungle heap.Moss-fern overgrowth.Dew on cheeks and inner limbs,I blush in dark placeshiding against sky light, and crunch of air. I slither...

    PARISIAN PHOTO BOOTH by Mary Shanley

    PARISIAN PHOTO BOOTHby Mary Shanley Parisian Photo BoothIn the metro station,she was playing a sawlike it was a cello. It sounded like a theramin.The photo booth wasjust feet away.  Lisa and Icrammed into the singlespace and...

    BUDDY by Jonathan Andrew Perez

    BUDDYby Jonathan Andrew Perez Burn, Barn, Burn What remained couldn’t be salvaged from the shipwreck of my immobility.Climate change. Father warned me don’t dive deep:Wake before you go to sleep, migrate in the afternoonRead Borges, Neruda,...

    ILLUMINATING POETRY by Judith Simon Prager

    ILLUMINATING POETRYby Judith Simon Prager Illuminating Poetry A candle, held up to the unknown          to fathom, or to pray against, what darkness holds.A lighthouse searchlight,          reaching out to assess the terrain          and find, in all that is, the similars...

    EYELASH by Glen Armstrong

    EYELASHby Glen Armstrong   Eyelash It is not strange enough.Nor beautiful enough to discuss.At length in the museum’s coffee shop.I’m remembering it differently.The bees both threaten.                                                                     And reinvigorate the landscape.The sky looks like paper.Another skinny girl.Makes a wish...

    AND SO I BELIEVE by Clark Holtzman

    AND SO I BELIEVEby Clark Holtzman And So I Believe A stranger stood next to me at the city zoo. I had stopped at an exhibit of sand and boulders, limbs and brush. It appeared to...

    ART by Aditya Shankar

    ARTby Aditya Shankar Art A birdwove its nesttirelessly withbeak and wing,twig and grass,tweet and silence, deepinside the forest. A nest, demolishedand rebuilt, till it becamewhat the bird desired. It did not matter that the nestwas never titledor signed, spoken aboutor adulated. It hung there, a...

    MANOR by Ann Pedone

    MANORby Ann Pedone Manor Particles of lightStrain to the seenIn the shadows of his heart. He knows her faceTaqstes her lips—Sun wrenched in the sky of her longing forThe sightHimInside—the inside of herGrowing upon t he sight...