Poetry - Year IV - Number 21 - February 2019

    THE LAW OF SILENCE by David Dephy

    THE LAW OF SILENCEby David Dephy When a Poet I am a firm believerThat as soon as a person stops lyingTo himself,He will be able to find someoneHe can trust unconditionally.And this someone is his own...


    THAT OLD BLACK MAGICby Gary Beck Machine Learning Before a car can drivewithout a human,one must first get behind the wheel.As the driver accelerates,stops and turns on local streets,sensors in the carrecord what he seesand how...

    PEN SAND by Luke Skoza

    LOVEby Katharine Studer Love Before the word is spokenA man might walk on handsDangling mid-air without a net or wire,Concentrating to keep the weightof his legs extended straight in the center,Nudging his fingers to gain an...

    ETERNAL AND INFINITE by Scott Thomas Outlar

    ETERNAL AND INFINITEby Scott Thomas Outlar Loki’s Ammunition Sometimes we mustset the book asidefor a moment,exhale a deep breath,and exclaim,“My God, that’s what a poem is!” No whitewash on the crescendowhere it all went to hell. No handbasket...

    RESURRECTION by Barry Silesky

    RESSURECTIONby Barry Silesky RESURRECTION A phone call tells me I’m breathing and the world returns.  Isn’t that what they mean by God?  It must be what we’ve been waiting for. There's more of course, but this...

    BRAND OF BROKEN by Madison Smith

    BRAND OF BROKENby Madison Smith brand of broken They will tell you it’s nature, not nurture. The disorders and the diseases. Because the list of                          Bad Things That Need Fixed grows (and they know you’re sensitive about it).Generational,...

    BUTTON COLLECTION by Howard Winn

    BUTTON COLLECTIONby Howard Winn   BUTTON COLLECTIONBringing order to our mother’s house,as she sat in her rocking chairwatching a daytime television program,my sister threw out old candy boxescontaining buttons hoardedfrom at least sixty years.They sounded like...

    I ALMOST KNEW THIS by Frederick Pollack

        I ALMOST KNEW THISby Frederick Pollack  I Almost Knew This 1Love is a pleasant, working seaside town.Strangely, its major industriesare neither tourism nor fishing;it lives on gentrificationper se. There’s a small dock.Most of the residents camefrom...

    SO BRIEFLY HERE by John Grey

    SO BRIEFLY HEREby John Grey THESE VACATION MEMORIESTourists trudge throughthe makeshift marketplace along the dock,inspect the obligatory merchandise:chess sets, shell necklaces,coconuts carved into faces."Very cheap," says one local after another.But the visitors have little time...

    LETTER TO A YOUNG POET by Korkut Onaran

    LETTER TO A YOUNG POETby Korkut Onaran AFFINITIES A starfish lives in a five-hour day,an octopus in October.Words are crawling all over me!‘Cheek’ sits on my cheek. ‘T’ is Christian, ‘t’ is born again.‘K’ is my name,...