Home Poetry - Year V - Number 29 - October 2019

Poetry - Year V - Number 29 - October 2019

    FOUR POEMS by John Casey

    Perfect Day Leaves dancing, rustlingDelicately caressedBy the soft breezeA whispered wind song Patches of sun, dartingBreak through branchesCascade and collideIn prismatic collageOn the forest floor Nestled in shadeMossed rocks, mushroomsAnd unfurled fernsScattered at randomAlong my earthen path I...

    SIXTEEN OF ME by Lefcothea-Maria Golgaki

    SIXTEEN OF ME To Giorgos by Lefcothea-Maria Golgaki   The Promise The girl was told hapless creatures cannot marchFinite their choicesThe girl was told woebegone bodies can only trudgeRasping sound their voices Should they adjust to a haphazard mannerCurtailed their...

    ONE SINGLE ROSE by Edward Bonner

    ONE SINGLE ROSEby Edward Bonner  ONE SINGLE ROSEIf I could offer one single rose’with ruby petals,blades of crimson,showered in dreams,from my garden where seasons are unknown.Would you understand?If a stream runs through graciously’in short,under breath,soft...

    DOGS OF AUSTRALIA by Rodney A. Williams

    Dogs of AustraliaFor German migrants internedas enemy aliens on Torrens Islandin the Port Adelaide River Estuaryduring World War 1.1I am a dog of AustraliaWalked here by this country’s first peopleAcross a land bridge long...

    SUNDAY AFTERNOON by Stuart Rawlinson

    SUNDAY AFTERNOON by Stuart Rawlinson  Commutations The morning commute begins on the hourAs nighttime and daylight adjoin in friction.Buses interrupt as I squint for my number;Balanced and hovering on the kerb’s edgeIn front of staring commuters like...

    MULTIPURPOSE by Robert Travis Hicks

    MULTIPURPOSE by Robert Travis Hicks  The Gallows Head hung, haunted by hoary whispersA time before the milk curdledBefore you leftBefore the mirror met meAnd explained better than anyone ever couldthe depths of my inadequacy. Morning comes, I lie...

    MORNING SONG by John Leonard

    MORNING SONG by John Leonard  No Cream, No Sugar Being awake feels like having eternal patience.Nights slowly dripping into my orange coffee cup. I don’t remember who gave it to me,or where I got it from. Like most...

    REMEMBERING CAMUS by Reed Venrick

    REMEMBERING CAMUS by Reed Venrick  Circles of the Sea The Eye was the first circle(Emerson) Those last days of summer, buildinga sandman for the last time, beforeSeptember's school, soon to begin—when the child sees something, she standing, leaping up...

    PUTTING YOU THROUGH NOW by Christopher Barnes

    PUTTING YOU THROUGH NOW by Christopher Barnes  “Putting You Through Now, Caller.” 1 “Thirkell confided she’d bargained, hobbled away,Fingers crushing that suitcase,Something taut in her eyes.” “Guess she’s on the plane,An age-encrusted face glimmering in a window.” “Putting You...

    WILLOW AND BARK by Sally Sandler

    WILLOW AND BARK by Sally Sandler  Somedays I Am That Cypress                                                                                 The past has all blown east.The Monterey cypress felt it leavein the teeth of a Pacific sea squall.Ever since, the cypress has leaned easttoward the...