Fiction - Year IV - Number 23 - April 2019

    NINE / TEN by David Robbins

    NINE / TENby David Robbins 1 For six months, Arthur Kramer treated me like he was doing me a favor by planking me. I let it happen because you’re out in the ninth if you don’t...

    WANTED MAN by Anahit Petrosyan

    WANTED MANby Anahit Petrosyan Now that he was suspended, Levi lied down in the back seat of his car and closed his eyes, going back three weeks to when he had been assigned this undercover...

    CHANGING LANGUAGE by Steve Colori

    CHANGING LANGUAGEby Steve Colori The bluish lights from the television were glowing from the bar. I was out to eat with some friends on a week night and there were several groups of people in...

    IMAGE AND VOICE by Liz Whitt

    IMAGE & VOICEby Liz Whitt It was the first time he ever saw her. He was ten years old and he could feel the warmth seeping from his skin as it rested on the smooth,...

    SWEET DREAMS by Jasmine Dalrymple

    SWEET DREAMSby Jasmine Dalrymple It’s just a dream it’s just a dream I keep telling myself.My eyes jolt open and my heart begins to race, I’m in near sweat from that nightmare. The rhythm of my...

    THE WAYS OF FISH by Chris Cleary

    THE WAYS OF FISHby Chris Cleary The second time a flying fish thumped Tyler Spradlin squarely in the chest seemed to him a miracle. The first time he was fourteen and with his Uncle Dee-Wayne on...

    LETTERS TO JULIA by Sara Cummings

    LETTERS TO JULIAby Sara Cummings It felt like it had been decades since I’d last been home and driving down the same roads that I’d driven for the first 18 years of my life. It...