Home Fiction - Year IV - Number 23 - April 2019

Fiction - Year IV - Number 23 - April 2019

    ROAD RAGE by Sharon Frame Gay

    ROAD RAGEby Sharon Frame Gay The police told our family that Jason, my husband, died instantly when his car swerved off the road and down a steep ravine. That's not true. It's what police like...

    BOSON’S BEST by Keay Davidson

    BOSON'S BESTby Keay Davidson This is the story of how Ester the apple farmer and her trusty sidekick Nick became the heroes of Boson. Of course, I must inform you that once you enter Boson,...

    THE COMPANY HE KEEPS by John Garcia

    THE COMPANY HE KEEPSby John Garcia He sits at an empty table in Leon Cafe in downtown Guatemala City. Looking up, he watches the uneven, twirling blades of a dust-covered ceiling fan, and slides over...

    A TABLE SET FOR FIVE by Jacqueline Rosenbaum

    A TABLE SET FOR FIVEby Jacqueline Rosenbaum I think back to the map she drew, scanned and emailed to me. Addressed to My Precious Daughter. Arrows that pointed my theoretical, my inevitable movement. X’s to indicate the...

    CHANGING LANGUAGE by Steve Colori

    CHANGING LANGUAGEby Steve Colori The bluish lights from the television were glowing from the bar. I was out to eat with some friends on a week night and there were several groups of people in...

    CANCERPHOBIA by Anna Lindwasser

    CANCERPHOBIAby Anna Lindwasser “John Proctor got me feeling some type of way. I can see how he honorable. He sacrificed his life for what he believed in. But we talking bout a thirty-year-old man who...

    A TABLE, FOR TWO by Gary Jaycox

    A TABLE, FOR TWOby Gary Jaycox F It was ten minutes before Two on a Tuesday afternoon when I cracked open the door to O’Shea’s Tavern. I was early and that was fine with me....

    FAITH AND DESTINY by John Tavares

    FAITH AND DESTINYby John Tavares Things were happening so fast—Faith couldn’t believe how quickly her anger overpowered her. When she discovered her sister took her brand new black yoga pants, and chopped the legs off,...

    WANTED MAN by Anahit Petrosyan

    WANTED MANby Anahit Petrosyan Now that he was suspended, Levi lied down in the back seat of his car and closed his eyes, going back three weeks to when he had been assigned this undercover...