Home Fiction - Year IV - Number 23 - April 2019

Fiction - Year IV - Number 23 - April 2019

    HORSE AND GARDEN by Norbert Kovacs

    HORSE AND GARDENby Norbert Kovacs Gene Stamp was proud of his flower garden. He had set its plot in the middle of his backyard where any visitors would see it immediately through the bay window...

    ROAD RAGE by Sharon Frame Gay

    ROAD RAGEby Sharon Frame Gay The police told our family that Jason, my husband, died instantly when his car swerved off the road and down a steep ravine. That's not true. It's what police like...

    BOSON’S BEST by Keay Davidson

    BOSON'S BESTby Keay Davidson This is the story of how Ester the apple farmer and her trusty sidekick Nick became the heroes of Boson. Of course, I must inform you that once you enter Boson,...

    THE COMPANY HE KEEPS by John Garcia

    THE COMPANY HE KEEPSby John Garcia He sits at an empty table in Leon Cafe in downtown Guatemala City. Looking up, he watches the uneven, twirling blades of a dust-covered ceiling fan, and slides over...

    BY NO MEANS by B. P. Herrington

    BY NO MEANSby B. P. Herrington The fly skittering across the sales counter fiddled its forelegs and sprang up in an aimless drift.  In the acrid odor of fertilizer and feed, Davis slouched at the...

    NINE / TEN by David Robbins

    NINE / TENby David Robbins 1 For six months, Arthur Kramer treated me like he was doing me a favor by planking me. I let it happen because you’re out in the ninth if you don’t...

    SWEET DREAMS by Jasmine Dalrymple

    SWEET DREAMSby Jasmine Dalrymple It’s just a dream it’s just a dream I keep telling myself.My eyes jolt open and my heart begins to race, I’m in near sweat from that nightmare. The rhythm of my...