Home Fiction - Year IV - Number 27 - August 2019

Fiction - Year IV - Number 27 - August 2019

    LECHERY by Alex R. Encomienda

    LECHERYby Alex R. Encomienda Gene and Phillip walked into the tiny, tin-box shaped coffee shop uptown of Ithaca and picked a quiet spot by the window. As they sat down, Gene realized that he had...

    NOT QUITE SO BLIND by Thomas Heine

    NOT QUITE SO BLINDBy Thomas Heine I have never experienced the sensation of sight, but I know a lot about it.  I have an understanding of words such as bright, shades, black and white and...

    A RARE THING by Matthew Chacko

    A RARE THINGby Matthew Chacko When Joel opened with, “Oh my god, do I have the craziest thing to tell you,” Ellie expected to hear of his roommates’ latest transgression, a topic they frequented on...

    A POCKET OF AIR by Annette Freeman

    A POCKET OF AIRby Annette Freeman   Denny gave the cast of the play one round of perfunctory applause, a quick slap together of his palms, then he was heading for the door. He pushed out...


    MEETING JOHN AND THERESAby Jeffrey Hill       The people file out of the subway car.  The people file into the subway car.  It is cramped.  Some sit.  Some stand.  The man, woman, and child choose to...

    SHOP by ML Paul

    SHOPby ML Paul Like a photo plucked from developer too soon, she appeared underdeveloped to herself as she looked in the mirror of the third floor bathroom.   To correct this problem, she opened her laptop,...

    HOW TO BUILD A BRICK WALK by David Landsperger

    HOW TO BUILD A BRICK WALKby David Landsperger     It was a beautiful Sunday morning in July and he knew exactly what to do with it. Doing nothing would give him too much time to think,...

    SAFETY by Victoria Harris

    SAFETYBy Victoria Harris Keep your distance from her. That’s what has always kept you safe. Sane. Next time she tries to draw you into a conversation about yourself, steer it elsewhere. And don’t have so...

    A BORING LIFE by Barbara Borst

    A BORING LIFEby Barbara Borst “You’re not really going, are you?”Laura wasn’t sure which of the guests milling about her living room had lofted that question over the din.“Of course not,” she replied to them...

    PUNCH DRUNK by Annabelle Baptista

    PUNCH DRUNKBy Annabelle Baptista I clutched my jaw as if I’d been sucker punched.  Genevieve looked up from my case file, her piercing grey eyes like pressed pickleloaf from some kindergartener’s soggy lunch sack. Over...