Home Fiction - Year VII - Number 53 - January 2022

Fiction - Year VII - Number 53 - January 2022

    ERASING by Deirdre Fryer Baird

    I have no idea why I’m here. I see my distorted reflection in the shiny chrome elevator doors, but I don’t look like myself. I know I came here for a reason; I just...

    THE PURPLE FLYING ELEPHANT by Joram Piatigorsky

    Charlie, a shoe salesman, jumped out of bed, startled that it was already 8:30. His United Airlines Flight was scheduled for 10:22. Now he didn’t even have time for breakfast. He had set the...

    RED by Zeyneb Kaya

    When they told us to stand, we all rose. When they told us to look ahead, we directed our gaze. When they told us, silence, we let the quiet still around us. There was...

    MOTHER LOVE Nancy Smith Harris

    Photo by Nick Fewings~Unsplash Mother Love I missed my first high school interview—the one at the Stephens School for Boys—because on her way to pick me up, Mom’s car collided with a semi hauling 300 gallons...

    LIKE THEY’RE WAITING by David Biddle

    Like They’re Waiting Most mornings I drank coffee on the back porch observing as they foraged on vine berries, honeysuckle, and new grass. The cat perched on a crumbling stone wall to watch over them....

    GULF by Elyse Forbes

    It had all started with the little pink heart. The pink pixelated heart, bequeathed by a virtual stranger eighteen days after his daughter had died. And now he was here, four months later, pretending...

    FULL OF GRACE by Thomas Carlson

                                                    Gloria Delaney sat at her desk as her fourth graders settled in to their math quiz. She’d just begun on the stack of writing assignments she was hoping to correct when she heard...

    A CLEAN SLATE by Michael Bryan

    A Clean Slate With his washer at home broken, Rafe decided to do all his laundry at the same time at the Water Whirled laundromat. Rafe Reached into his pocket and felt the tiny ridges...

    THE TRUTH by Tawney Mesick

    "I can't believe they got a pastor to come speak at my damn funeral," I said, "Saying shit about how this was an unfortunate event… Yeah, makes it sound like it was an accident....

    BLUISH FINGERS by Milena Galdino

    On that night, when Juruna was on his hammock, he read the starts in a different way. Natives in South America have this obsession over the sky and the stars for they are divine....