
    JOHN NICHOLL Interview with the author of the “Portrait of the Dead”

    JOHN NICHOLL Interview with the author of the thriller “Portrait of the Dead” John Nicholl, an ex police officer, child protection social worker, manager and lecturer, has written three dark psychological suspense thrillers, each of which...

    ELIZABETH O’NEILL Interview with the author of “Killing John, John, and John”

    ELIZABETH O’NEILLInterview with the author of the novel Killing John, John, and John Liz, tell us a bit about yourself.I was born in Penrith (that is in England) to Scottish parents, we soon moved however...

    CÉLIA CORREIA LOUREIRO Interview with the author of “A Filha do Barão”

     Célia Correia LoureiroALM: Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.Célia: I am a 26-year-old Portuguese girl, and I’ve written six books. To be honest, I’ve only published 3 books but...

    JENNIFER RENSON Interview with the author of Carousel

    JENNIFER RENSONThe author of CAROUSEL - 1st Place Winner Best YA Fiction of 2015 Urban Literary Magazine Jennifer graduated from Monmouth University with a degree in Public Relations/Journalism with a minor in History. She participates...

    WHY ADELAIDE? – Interview with the founding editors of the Adelaide Magazine

     Stevan and Adelaide Nikolic are founders and editors of the new literary magazine Adelaide, published in English and Portuguese language in New York and Lisbon, both as printed publication and web portal.Tell us about...

    REMEMBERING JOHN UPDIKE – NYT, PBS, and C-SPAN interviews with famous American author

    REMEMBERING JOHN UPDIKENYT, PBS, and C-SPAN interviews with famous American authorJohn Updike (1932 – 2009) was an American writer, art and literary critic. Updike's most famous work is his "Rabbit" series (the novels Rabbit,...

    BEING CONSERVATIVE FROM A TO Z – An interview with author S.R. Piccoli

    BEING CONSERVATIVE FROM A TO Z An interview with author S.R. Piccoli Tell us about yourself (short biography) and how many books you have written.I was born on Maddalena Island - one of the most beautiful islands in...

    PAULA ROSCOE Interview

    PAULA ROSCOE How many books you have written?I have written two supernatural novels  - ‘Echoes and Freya’s Child’ and a collection of faerie stories for young children ‘Adventures of Faerie folk’. Echoes has so far won three awards and the...