Home Poetry - Year II - Number 6 - March 2017

Poetry - Year II - Number 6 - March 2017

    DESTROYER OF UNIVERSES – Poems by Kevin Drzakowski

    DESTROYER OF UNIVERSESBy Kevin Drzakowski Just like everyone else, Iplayed that game Around the World,the one where you shootbaskets from different pointson your driveway, startingwith the intersection of cracksforming your makeshift free throw line,then around...

    SUNDAY SCHOOL CHILDREN – A poem by Claire Emery

    SUNDAY SCHOOL CHILDRENBy Claire Emery Your Sunday best never fit you rightYou preferred your tar to come from cigarettesInstead of inside the plays of a leather-bound book of judgementYou can flick a lighter more comfortably...

    GATHERING – Poems by Olivia Harman

    GATHERINGPoems by Olivia Harman Gathering Today the gathering comes after the stormand I sit tight, my teeth pressed togetherlike keys in intricate locks,while outside that stillness starts gathering, a solemn warning, asking us to clear up...

    OF PINE STREET – Poems by John Repp

    OF PINE STREETPoems by John Repp Of Pine Street A confused tenderness, like a dimly bluish windowpane/Sings old songs… Fernando Pessoa (as Àlvaro de Campos) Of Pine Street I sing, the impossible one frying eggs & toasting toastshe...

    TO MY FRIENDS, WHO NEVER LEFT HOME – Poems by Lucas Heilbroner

       TO MY FRIENDS, WHO NEVER LEFT HOMEPoems by Lucas Heilbroner   To My Friends, Who Never Left HomeIMy brothers peel their skin and leer-Eyes bugging-Through exhaust and broken corner stops.Reeling into thuggish scenes of postulated positioned...

    PARTIAL ECLIPSE – Poems by Dustin Pickering

    PARTIAL ECLIPSEPoems by Dustin Pickering Partial EclipseI was hungover last nightand my poetry was weak, futile as curdled milk.I washed my face with warm waterand returned the pen to its inkwell.I am poisoned by official...

    THE WAY AWAY – Poems by Anthony Slater

    THE WAY OF TIM ASHPoems by Timothy Robbins The Way of Tim Ash You have a way of appearing, the chorus ina Satyr Play. The night before my hernia repairyou look better than you have in...

    ANTIPOESÍA – Por Xe M. Sánchez

    ANTIPOESÍAPor Xe M. Sánchez               ANTIPOESÍA                                  Andes a la gueta’l Paraísu.MuyerCochePerruXardínLlarPerresUna vida afayadiegaUna derrotaEntaína,Les escaleresQue baxenAl infiernuTanEsperándomos.Préstame’l fuéu.Préstame’l fuéu.Préstame’l fuéu.Préstame’lPrés…P…        ANTI-POETRYYou are looking for a Paradise.A wifeA carA dogA gardenA houseMoneyA comfortable lifeA defeatLet’s go,StairsTo hellAreWaiting ForUsI like the...

    LITTLE THINGS – Poems by Amanda Caroline Whitehurst

    LITTLE THINGSPoems by Amanda Caroline Whitehurst What You’ll Find Wonder will be scratched up under your fingernailsand you won’t have time to pick it out.At your apartment window, where at nightyou can see into other windows...

    TRANSATLANTIQUE – Poems by Janet McCann

    TRANSATLANTIQUEPoems by Janet McCann TRANSATLANTICmy mind slides down your voiceinto your house of fifty years agolaughter and lightly kissed cheeksthe bottle of wine and the bowl of peachesthat were never emptymy mind slides down your...