Home Poetry - Year II - Number 7 - Volume I - June 2017

Poetry - Year II - Number 7 - Volume I - June 2017

    BALD EAGLE – By Jean Berrett

    BALD EAGLEBy Jean Berrett BALD EAGLE Yesterday driving home from Patuxent Wildlife Center,I thought I saw the eagle. I pulled over off the roadand leaned out lookingthrough binoculars.  Very high up against the clouds,There was a large bird,...

    RISEN – By John L. Stanizzi

    RISENBy John L. Stanizzi RisenBe on such simple, cordial terms with those under you that when you are all together,it would be impossible to say which is the superior.-St. Vincent de Paul Each log is consumes...

    MORAL ORAL – By Zach Trebino

    MORAL ORALBy Zach Trebino death’s mouth one morning, we wake in a coiled embrace, dead.i don’t know how i even know this. after years inthat now-rotten mattress, our vertebrae have fusedand risen in a skeletal trunk....

    PALAVRAS – By Pierre Sotér

    PALAVRASBy Pierre Sotér Palavrasto the memory of António Aleixo           P’ras palavras serem fundas,e da vida também parte,não precisam ser fecundas,nem sequer de muita arte.Há palavras vagabundas,e outras que são estandarte,há palavras tão rotundas,de paixão, amor que...

    R + N 4EVER – By Elliot Greiner

    R+N 4EVERBy Elliot Greiner R + N 4ever Their initials are scoopedinto the curb of thegrocery’s parking lot,the remains of a promisecollecting age,the glances of passerby. I imagine theauthors crouchingthere, fat-fingeringinto concrete theirreceipt from havingloved, not thinking ofthe...

    FACES OF LOVE – By Faleeha Hassan

    FACES OF LOVEBy Faleeha Hassan Faces of love  Do not carry me in your handLike a small bird wet with rain dropsLove is a traumatic experienceBut I want to live itTo keep my windows overlooking the...

    LIKE WIND – By Ed Hack

    LIKE WINDBy Ed Hack Weather In America The lightning didn't stop. An hour or moreit lit the reddish sky at 3amas rain slashed down in waves, terrific pourthat drenched the screens, as if it couldn't end,and...

    CONTUSIONS – By Gary Beck

    CONTUSIONSBy Gary Beck Hidden Treasure We move through city streetsintent on arrivalat destinations,immune to the beautyaround us;elegant willow,sweet Finch song,the fall of lighton an old building,the paths of pleasurethat reduce the angstof the city dweller,focus narrowingon...

    TO MY MOTHER’S FRIEND – By Leilani Ahia

    TO MY MOTHER'S FRIENDBy Leilani Ahia To My Mother's Friend Let me tell you of the walkyou missed this eveningbecause you did not care for wetand coldand the land's natural state.I ventured intoSomethingthat was not salty...

    TIMES – By Anwer Ghani

    LITERARY CONTESTSFICTIONNONFICTIONPOETRYHAPPENINGSBOOK REVIEWSINTERVIEWSNEW TITLESART & PHOTOGRAPHYADELAIDE Independent Quarterly Literary Magazine / Revista Literária Independente Trimestral, New York / Lisboa, Online Edition            TIMESBy Anwer Ghani The SunsetMy hand is so hot like the soul of the sunset. It...