Poetry - Year II - Number 7 - Volume I - June 2017

    BALD EAGLE – By Jean Berrett

    BALD EAGLEBy Jean Berrett BALD EAGLE Yesterday driving home from Patuxent Wildlife Center,I thought I saw the eagle. I pulled over off the roadand leaned out lookingthrough binoculars.  Very high up against the clouds,There was a large bird,...

    CONTUSIONS – By Gary Beck

    CONTUSIONSBy Gary Beck Hidden Treasure We move through city streetsintent on arrivalat destinations,immune to the beautyaround us;elegant willow,sweet Finch song,the fall of lighton an old building,the paths of pleasurethat reduce the angstof the city dweller,focus narrowingon...

    CAPRICCIO – By Maureen Eppstein

    CAPRICCIOBy Maureen Eppstein  Capricciofor no reasonIl capro, the goat on the hillsudden, unpredictable change, as of one's mindhip-hobble, hip-hobblesomersaultscartwheelssunlight on white daisieson the verge of a city street, a dusty sunflowera garden planted with whirligigsamethyst...

    LULLABY ON WEST 133rd – By Laurel Kaye

    LULLABY ON WEST 133rdBy Laurel Kaye Lullaby on West 133rd The plane collides and you arriveto murmurs of hyphenated welcomein the halls of terminal 4There was no room for you in Edenso you found a place...

    TO MY MOTHER’S FRIEND – By Leilani Ahia

    TO MY MOTHER'S FRIENDBy Leilani Ahia To My Mother's Friend Let me tell you of the walkyou missed this eveningbecause you did not care for wetand coldand the land's natural state.I ventured intoSomethingthat was not salty...

    PALAVRAS – By Pierre Sotér

    PALAVRASBy Pierre Sotér Palavrasto the memory of António Aleixo           P’ras palavras serem fundas,e da vida também parte,não precisam ser fecundas,nem sequer de muita arte.Há palavras vagabundas,e outras que são estandarte,há palavras tão rotundas,de paixão, amor que...

    SOULS IN LOVE – By Katharine Coggeshall

    SOULS IN LOVEBy Katharine Coggeshall Souls in Love Call and I will echoSing and I will dancePour into me and never emptyCapture me with your glance Unleash me when I am restlessChase me and run freeFind me...


    DORSOS DE LUZ DE ÁGUAS MAIS PROFUNDASpor Manuel Neto dos Santos59 Poemas ígneos27-31/1/13Para Hilda HilstIn memoriamPois se o sol surge sempreEm lugar certo…Que seja certa a luz de um novo verso.*Eu vejo os sonsE...

    THE MAN-UNKIND BLUES #1 – By Henry Reneau

    THE MAN-UNKIND BLUES #1By Henry Reneau      Anne Waldman If you turn the Goddess to stone, don't be surprisedif she doesn't bleed.                                                                                 —Andrea Potts precariousness does not occur in isolationemerging slick & singed but fromloud moments of catastrophesalt...

    DOWNPOUR – By Bruce McRae

    DOWNPOURBy Bruce McRae Downpour A heavy rain falling over Lithium Island,the roads flooded with tears of the disenfranchised,the quarry a lake of grief and woes,the tavern’s cellar under thirteen inchesof something that once resembled water. All of...