Home Poetry - Year III - Number 17 - October 2018

Poetry - Year III - Number 17 - October 2018

    I SEE THE GREAT CITIES by Joseph A. Dandurand

    I SEE THE GREAT CITIESby Joseph A. Dandurand I did not gatherwe are all here for thesame reason or anotherand the breaths we take inand out and in and outgive us the time toexperience all...

    STARS by Cecilia Devine

    STARSby Cecilia Devine AugustWhat would you thinkIf I told youI dreamt ofyour open-mouthed kisses on my neckAndyour touch against my leg-stained with the Redwood Earth?You and I hidden altogether byA canopy of trees.I could have...

    LOWER THE BLINDS by Edward Bonner

    LOWER THE BLINDSby Edward Bonner A faint murmured word spoken with a stunning smile.Like opening your eyes in the early morning and gazing at Jupiter all alone.A surreal glow filled the heavens from her beauty.An...

    SAVE FACE by Marissa Lucatorto

    SAVE FACEby Marissa Lucatorto YouYouYou who invade my dreamsAttack my mindEnrage my spiritYouWho comes to meWhen it is darkWhen no one else is aroundWhen everything is quiet, silent, stillYouWho make me think terrible thoughtsMake me...

    NIGHT: A VISION by Christien Gholson

    NIGHT: A VISIONby Christien Gholson Transubstantiation 1. Who owns the note to the house? CitiMortgage owns the note. No, it's Freddie Mac. Trace the note through the ether and you'll find it's probably in a cloud on...

    BELLE VOIR by Marc Carver

    BELLE VOIRby Marc Carver BELLE VOIR As we sat in the restaurantone of the woman who worked in the restaurant cameand sat opposite me for a meetingI could see her open legs under the tablealmost to...

    THE DRINKING POEM by Jesse Domingos

    THE DRINKING POEMby Jesse Domingos What’s In a Name Who was he?The man I am named after, Jesse.A king, a warrior?No, A shepherd with seven children.What happen to your sons? Of your daughters?Were you there as they...

    YOU HAD ME AT GOODBYE by Alan Berger

    YOU HAD ME AT GOODBYEby Alan Berger All the things you left behind.Your toothbrush, your pillow, where you would rest your restless mind.The book you wrote and read out loud.The way you couldn’t blend in...


    INTRICATE MEANDERS OF BRITTLE LANDby Eduardo Escalante Episodes to remember How many times do I think I've losta river, culture, language, the sense of the first spaceand in the right place. Despite the arbitrary questionsof certain...

    PLEASURES OF THE STREET by R.T. Castleberry

    PLEASURES OF THE STREETby R.T. Castleberry  PLEASURES OF THE STREETStanding in the doorwaytrying to make outwho’s crying in the flamesSister says it’s redhead Judasshe can place it in the Holy WordSheriff leans from the passenger...