Home Poetry - Year IV - Number 22 - March 2019

Poetry - Year IV - Number 22 - March 2019

    TRANSFORMATION by Stephanie V Sears

    TRANSFORMATIONby Stephanie V Sears The shadow of a storm I advise you to sit still at this timecat-like patient but alerta secret even to yourselfserved hand and foot by mystery. Something refreshing is hereas green as an...

    CALM by Elana Wolff

    CALMby Elana Wolff   Calm,not so long ago / the river ambling through the valley /easy in the aptitude of being in the blue beside the fireweedand pocket gophers stomping on the vandal grass / the...

    TOP OF THE CYCLONE by Lenny Lewis

    TOP OF THE CYCLONEby Lenny Lewis                                                    TOP OF THE CYCLONE                                              Fourteen years in the system                                             is no fun. Said Good-bye to Comstock                                             didn't look back. Rode the bus                                             to Port Authority. Walked the Deuce                                            ...

    ABSENT, NOT GONE by Timothy Robbins

    ABSENT, NOT GONEby Timothy Robbins   Absent, Not GoneI don’t expect to miss you but I dotonight or rather this dark morningproofing these lines by TV light.Gone — let’s say absent, (the absence of an ah renders the...

    THE WATER BUG by Luba Ostashevsky

    THE WATER BUGby Luba Ostashevsky   The Water bugA large water bug lay at the entrance to the kitchen.Its tentacles pointed up.The sloped roof of its home was a boat run aground on the cold tan...

    SWIMMING WITH PICASSO by Mike Jurkovic

    SWIMMING WITH PICASSOBy Mike Jurkovic We Will Judge Angels We will judge angelsand consider ourselvesthe best among them.Lengthening the ruse of yearsby that much more,that much more. We will judge angelsand the consensus will tiltin our favor.Igniting...

    MY MAMA’S WALTZ by Timothy Pilgrim

    MY MAMA'S WALTZBy Timothy Pilgrim My mama’s waltz(with a nod to Theodore Roethke) The perfume on your dresscould drive a young boy crazy —dark lust, secret untold since —our nightly ritual, flow and bend. We whirled from...

    THE LAND BETWEEN by Brandon Marlon

    THE LAND BETWEENby Brandon Marlon The Land Between Once the country of our defeat,now a liminal ecotone, zone of our appreciation,an abundant overlap blendingCanadian Shield with St. Lawrence Lowlandsto forge a biodiverse greenbelt of grassland birds,oaken...

    A STRANGER WITHIN by Ruby Nambo

    A STRANGER WITHINby Ruby Nambo A Stranger Within That’s her: sitting by the green grass.She looks so beautiful,With her long black hair.Her figure isn’t perfect unlike most womenBut you can tell she is worth more than...

    TWELVE O’CLOCK HIGH by Duane Anderson

    TWELVE O'CLOCK HIGHBy Duane Anderson Detective Skills I was about to ask her if she was donating todaysince she had done so previously at thepast two blood drives, but then I rememberedthat she gave double reds...