Home Poetry - Year V - Number 30 - November 2019

Poetry - Year V - Number 30 - November 2019

    PANERA by James Croal Jackson

    PANERA by James Croal Jackson  Panera I lost the important thingssweeping baguette crumbsunderneath an industrialfan– cyclicality, the broom’s sashayfrom one end of the room tothe next– sand blown from the centerof the desert, and how selfishto keep...

    SPEND THE NIGHT by John Grey

    SPEND THE NIGHT by John Grey SPEND THE NIGHT Nothing like the creaky doors,worm-riddled stairs, cobwebbed windows,of an old deserted mansion.Especially at night,in the midst of a thunderstorm,with lightning flashesthe only visibility,thunder thumping clouds together,and rain trampling...

    A LIFE NOT OUR OWN by Melissa Chappell

    A LIFE NOT OUR OWN by Melissa Chappell   A Life Not Our Own The lights of the television crews shone as bright as a Syrian sun.The scene was set for a Presidential appearance,red backdrop, no doubt...

    WOODS by Joan McNerney

    LUCK by Joan McNerney   Falling Asleep Curling into a question markeyes shutteredlips pursedhands empty. Dropping throughlong dusty shaftsdown into dank cellars.Leaving behind faded day. That last cup of sunlightpouring from fingertips.Lulled by rattling trains,sighs of motors. Bringing nothing butmemory...

    THE LORD’S PRAYER RECYCLED by Pernille Aegidius Dake

    THE LORD'S PRAYER RECYCLED by Pernille Aegidius Dake   Our friend who art in the Third World,We know not thy name, yet feel your pain.Your time will come if you put your mind to it.The world...

    UP THERE by Roger Singer

    UP THERE By Roger Singer UP THERE  The moon a legend inthe sky a face totalk toa light to cry under a beaconfor our pathsalongsideriversshorelinesand late nightsidewalks we observefrom hereat thebasement ofgravitya beauty thathaunts us. SMALL AND GREATI lit a candlefor comfortits...

    HELPLESS by Brian Rihlmann

    HELPLESS by Brian Rihlmann   HELPLESS never had I seen youso helplessas when I put my armsaround her frail bodyto walk her downthose three snow covered stepsthat thanksgiving you stood watchingfinally extended a handbut your eyes were wildand...

    THE VOICE by Bethany Bruno

    THE VOICE by Bethany Bruno The Voice I’ve always loved the complexity of fall.Only one season makes me feel alive, one that allows my roots to entangleInto Earth’s soil.Winter, spring, and summer seasons drag on like an...

    DEMISE by Susie Gharib

    DemiseThe demise of the Age of Chivalrybrought one meritorious outcome in its wake:it spared many steeds gory battlefields,a martyrdom in political intrigues.The expiration of the Colosseum’s feastsspared starved lions and encaged beaststhe task of...

    WHITE WINGS by Dr Daniel King

    WHITE WINGSby Dr. Daniel King Marchese We march on the mare far from the iceThat towers and almost reaches to spaceWhere ion assaults will serve to enticeOur comrades to arm and then to effaceAll signs of...