TODAY by Stella Prince
by Stella Prince
You and I we live by day,At night you tend to fly away,Leaving me to live for tomorrow.
I want more than you can give,But you say live and let live.Leaving me with...
THE LORD’S PRAYER RECYCLED by Pernille Aegidius Dake
by Pernille Aegidius Dake
Our friend who art in the Third World,We know not thy name, yet feel your pain.Your time will come if you put your mind to it.The world...
WEDDING by Timothy Loveday
by Timothy Loveday
she cannot tell herhusband that there aremaggots in her fanny. thatthe maggots only feed on deadflesh. that they have been growinginside of her. that they come out whenshe pees. in the...
LISBON by John Drudge
The Café
DownTo the Latin QuarterTo the caféBy the storeWhere you boughtThat green dressWhere we lockedOur bikesTo the street lampAnd raced the rainTo salvationWhere the tableWas oursIn our universeAway from it allWith everything nestled inWhere...
A LIFE NOT OUR OWN by Melissa Chappell
by Melissa Chappell
A Life Not Our Own
The lights of the television crews shone as bright as a Syrian sun.The scene was set for a Presidential appearance,red backdrop, no doubt...
PANERA by James Croal Jackson
by James Croal Jackson
I lost the important thingssweeping baguette crumbsunderneath an industrialfan– cyclicality, the broom’s sashayfrom one end of the room tothe next– sand blown from the centerof the desert, and how selfishto keep...
INCONSTANTE CORAÇÃO by Roseangelina Batista
INCONSTANTE CORAÇÃOby Roseangelina Batista
INCONSTANTE CORAÇÃOPrelúdio ao poema de Ajahn Mun
Ora um fluxo de momentos,ora um fluxo de vazio presente.
A semântica do coraçãoEm realidades separativas—Movimento ou quietude.
Em movimento,A consciência rodopia multiforme,Metamorfoseando imagens pareadas—Bem e mal—emergem...
WHITE WINGS by Dr Daniel King
WHITE WINGSby Dr. Daniel King
We march on the mare far from the iceThat towers and almost reaches to spaceWhere ion assaults will serve to enticeOur comrades to arm and then to effaceAll signs of...
STAY COOL (Poetic Rap) by Sahaj Sabharwal
STAY COOL (Poetic Rap)
by Sahaj Sabharwal
Stay cool,Don't be a fool,Just like a mule,Are you a dull stool?
Never be in terror loon,Or you will see an error soon.
Do something new,Which is done by a few.
GRIND by Tina Dybvik
by Tina Dybvik
2020 cinquain
Post growthClimate chorusLosing wet bulb temperedFaith; blue ocean blues-y buskingTips fate.
Why soProfound a breakWith fine espresso grindTo morning brew French pressed anewRoutine?
About the Author:
Tina Dybvik: My verses have been published in...