Home Poetry - Year V - Number 30 - November 2019

Poetry - Year V - Number 30 - November 2019

    INCONSTANTE CORAÇÃO by Roseangelina Batista

    INCONSTANTE CORAÇÃOby Roseangelina Batista INCONSTANTE CORAÇÃOPrelúdio ao poema de Ajahn Mun Ora um fluxo de momentos,ora um fluxo de vazio presente. A semântica do coraçãoEm realidades separativas—Movimento ou quietude. Em movimento,A consciência rodopia multiforme,Metamorfoseando imagens pareadas—Bem e mal—emergem...

    THE LORD’S PRAYER RECYCLED by Pernille Aegidius Dake

    THE LORD'S PRAYER RECYCLED by Pernille Aegidius Dake   Our friend who art in the Third World,We know not thy name, yet feel your pain.Your time will come if you put your mind to it.The world...

    A LIFE NOT OUR OWN by Melissa Chappell

    A LIFE NOT OUR OWN by Melissa Chappell   A Life Not Our Own The lights of the television crews shone as bright as a Syrian sun.The scene was set for a Presidential appearance,red backdrop, no doubt...

    STAY COOL (Poetic Rap) by Sahaj Sabharwal

    STAY COOL (Poetic Rap) by Sahaj Sabharwal Stay cool,Don't be a fool,Just like a mule,Are you a dull stool? Never be in terror loon,Or you will see an error soon. Do something new,Which is done by a few. Always...

    FIVE POEMS by Simon Perchik

    FIVE POEMS by Simon Perchik   *Hiding on this tiny rockits light is falling arm over armbrought down as hammer blows and mountains clinging to the sunthe way mourners will gatherand aim for your forehead –it’s not right...

    WHITE WINGS by Dr Daniel King

    WHITE WINGSby Dr. Daniel King Marchese We march on the mare far from the iceThat towers and almost reaches to spaceWhere ion assaults will serve to enticeOur comrades to arm and then to effaceAll signs of...

    DEMISE by Susie Gharib

    DemiseThe demise of the Age of Chivalrybrought one meritorious outcome in its wake:it spared many steeds gory battlefields,a martyrdom in political intrigues.The expiration of the Colosseum’s feastsspared starved lions and encaged beaststhe task of...

    THE VOICE by Bethany Bruno

    THE VOICE by Bethany Bruno The Voice I’ve always loved the complexity of fall.Only one season makes me feel alive, one that allows my roots to entangleInto Earth’s soil.Winter, spring, and summer seasons drag on like an...

    GRIND by Tina Dybvik

    GRIND by Tina Dybvik 2020 cinquain Post growthClimate chorusLosing wet bulb temperedFaith; blue ocean blues-y buskingTips fate. Grind Why soProfound a breakWith fine espresso grindTo morning brew French pressed anewRoutine? About the Author: Tina Dybvik: My verses have been published in...

    SPEND THE NIGHT by John Grey

    SPEND THE NIGHT by John Grey SPEND THE NIGHT Nothing like the creaky doors,worm-riddled stairs, cobwebbed windows,of an old deserted mansion.Especially at night,in the midst of a thunderstorm,with lightning flashesthe only visibility,thunder thumping clouds together,and rain trampling...