Poetry - Year II - Number 7 - Volume II - June 2017

    FEED FLOWERS – By Mark Taksa

    FEED FLOWERSBy Mark Taksa  Feed FlowersWind, if it woke, might scrape a leafagainst the planks. Flowers wilt in the pot.A departed wind pushed the watering can, dry,to its side. Dry wood shows through porch paint.Long...

    MIDWAY – By Michael Carr

    MIDWAYBy Michael Carr Midway A student asks me why Dantewandered off the straight path,and I tell him that midwaythrough his life he might findthe answer. Now, it would just be esoteric. I wake at three to the soundof...

    DIALOGUES OF THE POOL By Christopher Perricone

    DIALOGUES OF THE POOLBy Christopher Perricone Dialogues of the Pool               I rememberThe dialogues of the pool,Interlocutors bobbing,The chlorine wavesSmacking their nipples,Currents of their children's urine,The pool's bottom painted blue.What men they were,Their dilemmas,Their cigars and sunglasses,Taking...

    ALFRED AND MOSES – By Timothy Robbins

    ALFRED AND MOSESBy Timothy Robbins Alfred and Moses(for A.E. Housman) I picture a Merchant Ivory flick.Young classicist with patrician cheeks,face of an Arabian prancer, featuresprecise as a Latin declension.His friend, the rowing Blue, with aClydesdale jaw...

    A ROBIN IN WINTER – By Mark J. Mitchell

    A ROBIN IN WINTERBy Mark J. Mitchell A ROBIN IN WINTER                             For John Lost as a bird in a snowbankpropped on drifts of sheets, pillows,vanishing but present—Her beautiful eyes.There are no words. Her cool love now distilledto almost...

    IN LIMINE By Eugenio Montale, translated by Mary Jane White

    IN LIMINEBy Eugenio Montale / translated by Mary Jane White IN LIMINE Delight, then—if the wind re-enter our conservatorybringing back to it, and to you, the surge of our life:here—where a deadtangle of memories subsides,—no garden...

    THE BURNING SEASON – By Lazola Pambo

    THE BURNING SEASONBy Lazola Pambo   Winter is sentencedinto a silent cataclysmwhen the yellow-eyed chariotsrage upon humanitya battalion of immortal squadronnone of us have ever seen The last anniversary of the universeilluminated by a catharsisthe burning season...


    AFTERWORD: OR, THE AMATEUR POETBy Michael T. Smith Afterword: Or, the Amateur Poet                 You thought you gripped the futureWhen you only brushed the dust from your handsand pinched earth's prurient cheekLike that of a chubby,...

    A BALLAD I WISH I WISH I RUN – By Sam Landry

    A BALLAD I WISH I WISH I RUNBy Sam Landry A Ballad I Wish I Wish I Run stuck in the roadcoiled under breathdeep under rollingtides green from thegall one can haveearly in the morningwiping the...

    THE LADY’S EYES – By Jules Supervielle, translated by John J. Ronan

    THE LADY'S EYESBy Jules Supervielle / translated by John J. Ronan This woman, whom I know, seems to herself unknown, absently off in the heavens wearing her weary expression, A rose made of cloth stiff on its iron stalk, and pearls...