Home Poetry - Year V - Number 42 - November 2020

Poetry - Year V - Number 42 - November 2020


    The Hardest Part This song teleports me back to another time. The sun was high in the sky, and so was I. The music drives with its lyricism. And the days now are driven by algorithms. I think about...

    THE FIRST LOCKDOWN by Shera Hill

    THE FIRST LOCKDOWN birdsong splashed mornings grass-shadowed fawns quail, rabbits and coyotes abound a brief reprieve, Brothers and Sisters Fool’s Gold how lonely we’ll be when you’re gone I read once that nothing is ever lost. Does Gaia hold you always in her heart—your spirit,...


    M Charactered And in the glare Mu Cephei roils As if to dare armed craft to draw near Or to deter steel souls from rare risk Which is the high dream I Kalki chose So now I boost thrust...

    THE CORK OAK OF PORTUGAL by Reed Venrick

    The Cork Oak of Portugal Riding the bus down and along— Lisbon to Faro on the Algarve coast, passing through dry, hilly forests— from the distance of your seat, they seem to be the same burly oaks of California—many with...

    LIE WITH ME IN THIS MOMENT by Sarah Stephens

    Lie with me in this moment sink into the book of me where all my stories wait to be told. Take out the pages and read– It’s not quite Spring here– where Winter lags in the heat and humidity...

    VICTORIA PARK LAKE by Nathanael OReilly

    Goulburn A muddy river flanked by gums wanders through town past rope swings hanging from high branches, rippling around snags and sandbanks, flowing home Tingalpa The bush spread to the reservoir’s edge. Water stretched out of sight round the peninsula. Wind-blown waves chopped across...

    MEMENTO by Bess Amelia Yeager

    Scar Tissue Land I don’t recognize the yellowed veins of wood chapping into hot, sun-hardened beams. It has been too long since I came here last: to the scar tissue land where my pets are buried. My brother,...

    AMULET by Mary Jane White

    AMULET voice of Penelope 62 All the young men came in  But you were never there Standing as likely under a rafter  Off-center  Visible enough 63 As a still small-footed  Never old & wandering vine  Your trunk the exact imperfect Square pillar 64 Light red leaves  On a low...

    VISITOR FOR THE DAY by Duane Anderson

    Ms. Know-It-All She seemed to consider herself an expert after only donating one time prior, and from the look that she gave me, I definitely got the warning signal that it was beneath her needing to review the advance reading...

    THE CITY by Lorraine Caputo

    THE CITY (Caracas) I. This other overcast morning I hear two snaps echo up the narrow streets It is time to greet the day II. Children in school uniforms adults in work clothes hurry down these narrow streets On a patch of grass near worn buildings A man...