Home Poetry - Year VI - Number 45 - February 2021

Poetry - Year VI - Number 45 - February 2021


    Greetings to Hannah S. Jones Dear lovely daughter, Let us always expect full respect, nothing less.People will offer us much less at times,even hurl disrespect at uslike fire and ice. We have inherited tears. If you are able...

    MOON GIRL by Lora Robinson

    bitters and rye I was the sandcastle dream you built by the baybrackish little Betty, jetty mouthspewing toward the only cloud in AugustSavannah sazerac, lemon rindsyour slant rhymesyour question-marked pain:it’s just a stinging in your...

    VOICELESS by Anna Kapungu

    LETTERS FROM HOME In the deserted daysWhere the sun is my championAnd the blood thirsts for waterI tell the rays what I miss the mostHear my breathingSweat drip down my backMy hands cracked from the...

    WANTING by Lynette Thorstensen

    Mythic Proportions my mother wanted a life writ largea life of shattering revelationsa long way from where she was bornand although she found all too briefly her fifteen minutes of fameshe never recovered from this...

    BLOWN AWAY by Joan McNerney

    Blown Away I'm gonna have lunch withthe sky. It's been way toolong since we got together. I'll run downstairs throughhallways into bursts of blue.Perhaps never return to work,words, paper clips, bookshelves. Who needs cash when there'sso much...

    ALL NIGHT by John Raffetto

    VISITATIONTime becomes a pixilated memoryof bliss and bloodas the clock winds down.We pause to visit for a brief dazeas the foundation weakens while wonders compressinto petrified shadows a labyrinth of murky intrigueforgotten in repetitionas...

    CHOIR OF ONE by Pavel Sfera

    Lighthouses for driftwood what if night was a curtainyou should have pulled it asidea way long time agoperhaps, you can see out without your glassesa universe of a world untouchableeven the moon needs to sleepmaybe...

    ORBIT by Aracelly Campo

    Child by Aracelly P. Campo (a.k.a. Bones) Legends of the heavensTeach me the witchcraft of understandingThe Universe with a poetic verseIn the mystic arms of natureI shall journey to an Eden of harmony and magical beginningsMy...

    CONTRAST by Brittany Male

    Interstellar Head shavedand rounded likeits own planet.Colors swirling in bruiseslike the storm-pocksof Jupiter’s atmosphere.Safety tethersnestled underthe skin,keeping lifewithin reaching distance.A space suitslowly leaking air,the sound becomingfamiliar untilit is no longer heard.The impending releaseof all energyof...

    IN DEFENSE OF ISRAEL by Regina Saad

    Struggle of the Jewish PeopleBy Regina Saad The crack of the afikomen:The broken cracker symbolizing struggle.The struggle of the Seder finally ending. The rule to not ask dad any questions,For it will cause the anguished meal...